'Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all

Jan 10, 2009 00:14

::This fic was inspired by listening to http://temptationtwilight.blogspot.com/ it’s fanfic, so here you are. Sorry about the POV changes I couldn’t quite get Bella to be as omniscient as I needed her to be. Sorry.

:: Set after BD by about 8 years. Nessie is 15 in size wise and has nearly finished her ‘growth spurt’a podcast and it made me remember that I used to write as well as read



I ran in my wolf form, the pants of the bear in front of me echoing in my ears, I could hear its heart pumping frantically as he tried to get away. A pale pink flash cut across the front of the bear, bringing it down with a snarl. Nessie  had won. She bit into the bears neck celebrating her victory, the bear struggled against her unnatural strength, and I stalked towards the feasting girl she seemed oblivious to her me. I licked the back of her neck, and caught her by surprise Nessie jumped, I took my opportunity to bite into our prey, my teeth crunched through the animal ribs, biting its heart and putting the poor thing out of his misery.

Nessie, pushed me out the way, taking back her original position at the neck of the creature, I sat back waiting for her to finish so that I could eat. It was a full moon, even though I didn’t need the full moon to phase, it seemed more natural, I howled and the crows fled out of the trees, their screeches echoing around the dark forest.

Nessie had finished her meal and she flopped onto the damp grass, staring up at the starry sky. I went behind the trees a phased back into my human form, pulling on a pair of shorts, and flopping down next to Nessie

“It’s beautiful” Nessie said

“See that up there, that’s the wolf”

“Where?” Her eyebrows raised in honest confusion

“There” I pointed pointed vaguely to the sky

“They are just stars Jake, I can never see the pictures”

“It’s like a massive dot-to-dot across the sky” Ness with her beautiful gift for showing and seeing, sometimes managed to miss the bigger picture, I loved her for this, she made my world complete. I was the worrier, constantly fretting about the world, while she found joy in the more simple things, like a bird of pray swooping down on a mouse. We are like ying and yang, two halves that make a whole.

“Sorry Jake, shall we go back to the house” I didn’t want to leave, I wanted to keep her here, where she could only be mine. But I do what she wants, whatever makes her happy I am there for her.

“Sure” I said, pulling myself up “Wanna walk, or race”

“We’ll walk, it’s a lovely light, and when I am running I tend to miss the smaller things” Nessie had an acute attention to detail, sometimes I wished I could read her mind, like Edward I can imagine to see her colourful mind all the time would be amazing.

The forest floor swished under our feet, composting leaves sticking to her sneakers and my feet. I could hear the bugs coming out for dawn, the sound of tiny little feet starting their day. Above us and owl circled and plunged down to land gracefully on a branch above us. I saw the whole forest moving, and I could here Nessie’s heart thumping out it’s steady rhythm, keeping pace with us. She was the most beautiful creature on earth, I wanted to reach down and kiss her, but I would wait until she wanted to. Whatever she wanted I would give her.

A stench drifted across us. I didn’t recognise it, it was a bloodsucker I could tell but there was something different. It didn’t just smell dead and rotten, but it smelled like it had been dead and rotten a long time. It was the most potent smell that I had ever had the bad luck to smell, it was like a million dead animals all left out on a summers day.

“Ness, run, get back to the others, tell them we have a visitor. Keep on thinking that as you get to the house, Edward will hear you when you are near. Don’t let your thoughts stray once.

“I don’t smell anything” I looked down on her, her vampire senses weren’t quite as strong as if she had been fully vampire. The creature must be pretty far away though for her not to smell it. “I want to stay here with you. We’ll both go back, if we do have visitors they’ll kill you.”

“And you” I pleaded with her, but I knew I was defenceless against her will.

“I am staying with you Jake” Renesmee got her way with me, my mind waved a white flag of surrender, our small argument was weighing heavily on my mind, I didn’t think I had ever tried to convince her to do what I wanted her to do.

I phased, ripping my shorts to shreds, yet another pair gone it was a good thing Esme had stocked up on shorts when it appeared I would be staying around. In my wolf form my senses where a lot more acute. I could see, hear and smell everything around me.

Hey Jake,

Hey Seth, can you get Embry and Quil to do a perimeter, Jack aswell, I think we may have an intruder.

A couple of seconds later I felt Embry and Jack phase. Out of the 20 wolves that we had in the Reservation 8 of them had come north with me, Sam was my Beta and he was in charge down in La Push, while we stuck with the Cullen’s. I hadn’t wanted any of them to come, but Seth loyal as always had come, bringing Leah and a few others with him.

I think that a bloodsucker has come onto our land. It smells different though I allowed the memory of the stench into my thoughts

Definitely blood-

What is it-

Is it like-

Should we tell-

Is Nessie-


Seth go tell the Cullen’s we have a problem, Embry, Quil, you do perimeters round the house, the rest of you go wide and deep, if you find it, don’t confront the leech, tell me immediately, and we’ll attack together. I am gonna tell Nessie what’s going on

I phased and quickly explained the plan to Ness, she had seen me naked enough times not to care about me phasing.

“I want you to try and stick with me alright, try not to get lost”

“I wont ‘Dad’, I can look after myself anyway”

I smiled at her and sniffed the air, I couldn’t smell the leech but that didn’t mean it wasn’t there, the bloodsuckers had a nasty habit of being able to conceal themselves up-wind. I phased and once again I was a huge shaggy wolf. I ran, fast enough so I could cover my area but slow enough so that Nessie could keep up.

I felt a gush of wind on my back, turning around so fast the surroundings were a blur, I looked to the spot where not two seconds ago Nessie had been right behind me.

Howling I sniffed around, trying to find her scent, she had vanished, snarling and sniffing again I caught sight of a small drop of her blood.

What happened where is Ness the pack had heard this, even the ones in the Reservation.

Is she okay

Do you need us to come up north Sam’s booming though echoed through my brain

No! Stay where you are Sam

The pack had picked up on my line of thought, each of them turning in my direction.

Edward is running, he didn’t even translate for the others he just left the house a 90 miles an hour. I have never seen him so fast Seth thought rapidly and I felt him phase as he explained the situation

What do you want us to do?

Circle the area around be, this beast isn’t getting out of this forest with a head.

I felt Edward come up behind me, it had taken him all but a few seconds to cover almost 20 miles, Seth was right he did run fast.

“What happened” He said but already his eyes had zoomed in on the blood.

I followed his gaze, looking at the scene I decided to go down the path nearest the blood and hope for another splash. Sniffing the air I realised I couldn’t smell anything other than the Edward. Even though it was almost dawn I couldn’t see very well either, like some-one had put a veil over my always nearly-perfect vision.

Edward nodded sharply. Can he not sense anything either. He nodded again. His eyes had that same look they did outside while Bella was pregnant. We ran down the path Edward much faster again, I struggled to keep up, I had to rescue my girl, I had to hold in my arms again, I had to love her, I had to give her a kiss. I had to marry her.

As I was running I saw something, it was a dark figure to the left. Edward must of missed it he was going so fast. There was a clearing and all I could see was a dark cloaked figure bent over, biting and tearing repeatedly the ravaged body of a teenager. It couldn’t be Renesmee, she was strong, she’d be safe. I saw her wrist she had a bracelet with a wolf charm on it. NO, NO, NO. I lunged grabbing the figure, but all a got was air, it was like he had vanished.

Phasing I picked up Nessie, there were un-checked tears falling down my face, I couldn’t hear her heart beat, I couldn’t see her breathe. All I could hear were the crickets sounding in the rising sun. The pink light flitted across her face, illuminating it; her open eyes looked red in the sunlight. Reaching up to her face I stroked her cheeks, closing her eyelids with my thumb. Her blood was gushing out of her wounds, it was covering my naked body with a new red skin. I put my hand in her hair and held her closer, willing her just to breathe one last time.

“I’m s-s-sor-sorr-y Nessie, I failed you, I’m the worst wolf-man ever, you’d still be alive if it weren’t for me.”

“No” Edwards voice cracked behind me, if vampires could cry, he would be. He crouched down opposite me, and held her arm. “Renesmee,”

Then without warning he bit into to her, trying to change her, bring her back to life. As I watched him with the same curiosity I had 8 years ago, as he tried to bring back the dead. What had he done then? A bite to the heart, had saved Bella? But would the same work on a half-vampire could they become fully changed. Despite the fact that vampires instinctually disgust me I wanted Edward to do it, even if she wasn’t my Nessie, at least she’d be alive.

He heard my thoughts Edward bit into Nessie’s chest straight into her heart. Blood leaked out, around Edwards mouth and down his chin. We both listened out for a heartbeat.


A/N don’t forget to review. Oh and the rest of the story will be either Bella or Edward’s POV. Jacob, just wouldn’t shut-up, he made me write him in. I couldn’t just ignore him. He forced me to have a first chapter in his POV. Don’t forget to review. And if you do review, I love ‘it was good, update soon' reviews but I really want Constructive criticism, tell me it was terrible and what I did wrong please. But if you did think I was great then say that. But don’t just read and leave please. Thanks. The next chapter is outlined, but I can’t decide whose POV to do most of the rest of the story in. Edward of Bella, so you guys can vote for who you want.

twilight, tbthlaltnthlaa

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