Times Like These 1/?

Apr 13, 2009 16:21

Title: Times Like These
Author: beth9874
Fandom: Robin Hood BBC
Rating: 15 (for violence not sexing)
Notes: High School AU but uses Season 3 characters a pretty dark fic, I tried to get as much fluff in there as I could but everyone wanted to be beaten up. I hope this is allowed as I didn’t see any AU fics on here, but FFN hates me.
Disclaimer: Not even the title is mine, it’s Foo Fighters
Summary: Robin returns from Pakistan to find much changed, not just at School but at home. Usual pairings and S3 characters. They are all starting year 10 so are 14/15.

Robin walked through the school gates, ‘Nottingham Comprehensive High School’ glared down at him, the white letters unfriendly bringing back old memories. Heading towards the main entrance he saw something that hadn’t been there in year 7, metal detectors and security guards loomed up. The machine stayed silent as he walked through, his messenger bag was empty of books and equipment, and he himself had nothing of value. He headed up the stairs.

“Hello I am new here” he said to the lady at reception, she looked down on him through her spectacles.


“Robin Locksley” Without saying a word she passed him the timetable and turned back to her computer, the white glow reflecting off her glasses.

Looking down he saw he had form in Room 18 first, the bell went as he was trying to remember where it was, English that’s it. He walked to the English block and into room 18.

“ROBIN” Robin turned and saw Much waving furiously at him, pointing to the empty seat beside him; Robin sat next to his old best friend and he began talking animatedly. “How was Pakistan? Was it hot? How was the food?”

“Trust you to be thinking about food, and the food was English as I was staying at the English Ambassadors office”

“Why are you back?”

“What is this? Twenty questions? Mum got a new boyfriend, and I have a new older brother…” Robin was cut short by Mr Bradshaw stepping into the room.

“Sorry I’m late” A girl came in through the door after him, Robin smiled as he recognised his old best friend Marian. Without looking at Robin, Marian went to go sit next to a kid in a leather jacket.

“Who’s he?” Robin asked pointing towards the boy.

“Guy Gisbourne, part of a gang named ‘The Black Knights’ stay away from them.

With that Mr Bradshaw began calling out the register; Robin stared into space. “Marion”

“Yes sir” She replied, and Robin smiled, her voice sounded like the voice of an angel.

“Robin Locksley” Marian turned around her eyes wide, and saw Robin who smiled, his trade mark grin covering his face.

“Robin Locksley, you may be new, but you’re not deaf as well”

“Sorry Sir, yes Sir” He said still smiling at Marian, who just stared back, her mouth partially open.

Mr Bradshaw continued the register, oblivious to the silent reunion going on around him. The bell rang, echoing around the class room.

“You’ll get on great with the gang, it’s only me in this form, but they’re all in maths. Are you even listening to me?” Much babbled.

Marian, went towards them, but was stopped by a hand on her arm. Guy was holding her back.

“Come on we have maths next, and you don’t want to hang out with the chavs do you?” Marian turned and stood next to Guy, waiting for him to finish packing his bag. Robin looked puzzled before he headed out the door with Much.


Much lead the way into the maths classroom, and dragged Robin towards a small crowd at the back of the class.

“Hey guys, this is Robin, he left in year seven, and he’s my best friend” The use of present tense did not go unnoticed by Robin and he smiled. “Robin this is Djaq, Will, Little John, Allan and Tuck.”

“Hey, everyone” Robin said, still unsure what to do. Before sitting down next to Much, Allan and Tuck took the desk immediately to their left, and Djaq and Will sat behind them, leaving ‘Little’ John with a desk to himself in front of them.

Marian came into the room, and Robin continued his staring at her. She looked towards him and almost started towards the group but Guy grabbed her arm, and she sat next to him. Several other girls sat around them, along with a bald kid and a few other henchmen.

“They’re the Black Knights, they think they rule the school” Much whispered.

The rest of the lesson passed quickly with Robin discovering that he actually got along quite well with the group. The warm September air drifted in through the window, and the class chatted with one another, ignoring the young Irish teacher, trying to control them.

“Hey what’s with the metal detectors” Robin asked Much.

“Oh that was after your incident, I’m surprised they even let you back in”

Robin’s eyes widened, “Really? But they didn’t even call the police all that happened was a detention.”

“Yer, but some of the parents threatened to take kids out of the school, the governors had to do something”

“I was unaware the school had a rampant baby goat problem, when did that happen?” Much let out a bark of laughter and the sombre mood was lost.


At lunchtime the gang went to the changing rooms, it was football tryouts. Robin held back waiting until he was alone in the changing rooms before quickly slipping on his PE shirt and tracksuit bottoms.

On the pitch Mr Pullman was standing ball in hand. “Right you are to split into two different teams. At the end of the game I will pick the fourteen people to be on the squad and a captain. The other eight of you should never play football again.”

The game started, Robin, Tuck, Much, John, Allan and Will were on the same team, Guy and Vaisey was on the other. The gang worked together seamlessly and after five minutes Robin scored the first goal. Just before half time however Guy levelled it up.

Robin and his team stood in a circle. “Okay standard four, four three formation, Much if you stay in goal and if Alan, Will and me stay in the attack position. You” he said pointing to a small boy with blond scruffy hair “Stay in the left wing, you’re very fast and try to get the ball up the front and to Will as fast as you can” With that they all put their hands in the middle and cheered.

The rest of the game progressed smoothly, Robin’s team scored another three goals whereas Guy’s attempts to score were cut short by Much who seemed to be shocked at his own skill in goal.

“Alright I want you six to leave now” the coach said to the six weediest looking boys. “If you, you and you stay on the bench for our game on Saturday please” He said pointing to John and two other boys “Now go get changed and showered you stink”

In the changing rooms Robin managed to get a cubicle to shower in and quickly changed back into his school uniform without even talking to anyone. He then walked to English alone, followed by Much’s puzzled stares.

After English Robin waited outside the school gate, Marian walked out thankfully without Guy who got into a black car along with the bald kid.

“Hey” Robin said grinning.

“What are you doing here Robin?” Marian asked pulling her iPod out of her ear.

“I came back. Mum got a new boyfriend”

“Good for her. So where are you living, up in Kings”

“Doesn’t matter, so how have you been anyway?” he said hastily changing the subject

“Why’d you leave Robin?”

“I had to, my Dad’s job you know, he wanted me to go with him.”

“When did they split up?” Marian asked, realising that his mum was with someone else now.

“Ages ago, mum came back here and I stayed out there, I only came back because Dad died” Robin said bluntly.

“Oh God, are you okay.”

“Yer I’m fine.” The pair chatted idly about more trivial stuff, Marian was keen not to keep Robin from dwelling on the old.

“I’m still mad you left you know. Things can never go back to how they were.” Marian said as they reached a fork in the road.

“I know, and this is where I leave you, fine Lady Marian” Robin said doing an over the top bow, before turning north towards the Sherwood estate.

Marian stared at his retreating back, surely he wasn’t living down their. They had been the richest in the town before they left.


“Daddy I’m home” Marian called, stepping into the house. The house remained silent, on the desk there was a note

Working late, there’s a pizza in the fridge

Love Dad

Marian, flopped on her bed, looking at the florescent stars on the ceiling. Remembering all those years ago.

“Maz, look what I got”. A five year old Robin held the stars in his hand “That way when I go camping with Daddy, you’ll still be able to look at the stars with me”

Marian took them in her hand, her nose running,

“Mummy says you’re ill, so I’ll put them on the ceiling for you.” Robin said, standing on her bedside table, and reaching up on his tipee toes, he put all the little stars above her head. And then leaning over he put the biggest star in the middle of the room, the longest point facing across the road where he lived. A soft swash could be heard from the blue tack, and Robin tumbled forward.

Marian screamed, and Robin sat up with red stuff pouring down his face. Robin bent down and held up the remains of her red swishy toy. The insides had exploded; Robin was the first to laugh, and within seconds they were both hysterical.

Marian giggled to herself, the carpet had been changed and the room re-decorated all apart from that ceiling. She hadn’t let her dad tear down that.


“Mum I’m home” Robin called.

The house remained silent. Robin stepped into the living room, empty beer bottles littered the floor, his mum lay on the couch. Jeremy Kyle playing in the background.

“You promised you’d stop, a fresh start you said” Robin said to the sleeping form. Heading into her bedroom he got the duvet and placed it on top of her. In the kitchen he grabbed a packet of crisps.

The crackle of the crisps was the only sound in his room, as he lay on his bed. Looking at the mysterious stain the previous owner of the room had left him on the ceiling, a mixture of vomit and blood.

“ROBIN” a yell could be heard from down stairs. “GET YOUR LAZY ARSE DOWN HERE AND CLEAN UP THIS SHIT” Robin rolled off his bed, the arsehole had probably awakened his mum. Sure enough through the thin floor he could hear the frightened whimpering as she tried to remember where she was.

“ROBIN!! IF I HAVE TO COME UP THERE, THERE’LL BE HELL TO PAY!!!” Robin plodded down the stairs. His step father loomed above him, six feet tall and full of muscle. “Your new brother is getting out of prison next week so clean up your mothers crap”. He said before heading to the fridge to get his own beer bottle. Praying to God that he didn’t mean crap literally, Robin stepped into the living room to clear the beer cans and bottles.

Opening up one of the desk drawers, Robin saw something glinting up at him. A gun. It was a revolver, Jeff over there, preferred semi-automatics, where the fuck did his mother get a gun from.

“What happened to you mum? Who broke you?” The woman, paid no attention to her son, her attention rapt on ‘a place in the sun’

Robin tucked the gun in his back pocket, before taking the empty beer bottles and cans out to recycling.

A/N I promise to have lots of fluff around about the third chapter. Okay I lie, I can’t really write fluff very well, I wanted this story to be fluff but Robin just wanted to have PTSD and Marian wanted to have an absent father. Blame them not me. Loads of Will and Djaq in the next chapter.

On a lighter note, I am in the need of a beta, so if you could beta for me drop me a note in the review or PM me. Oh and ya’ll better review if you’ve read this. See ya next Tuesday, chapter two till three are written but you are going to have to wait. Unless maybe you review a lot.

robin hood bbc, times like these, fanfiction

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