Jul 02, 2005 05:27
These mornings only happen once in a blue moon, but tonight just had to be one of them. I woke up at 2:30am to Tessa whining. Now, she never sleeps outside of her kennel because I'm afriad she'll download on the carpet. But, my brother was in town and wanted her to sleep with him. I think she did, too, until about 2:30 when she decided she was rested and wanted some water. So, I woke up and put her in her kennel. That was the end of it. Between fighting with D to roll over on his side so that he would stop snoring (poor honey), the baby kicking me in the bladder, and me trying to get comfortable, here I am at 5:30am ... I've given up... I'm awake. This wouldn't suck so bad if I didn't have to drive to freakin Ft. Lee VA today to eat a dinner with my grandfather and the other grandkids (my cousin and brother). Oh well.