Tino and I will be catching a flight and be home Friday afternoon and we'll take the weekend to get used to Island Time again before classes start again on Monday. (I really hope I can get back into classes again, I feel a million miles removed from school with all the changes in my life in just the past few months. It feels like years.)
It was one hell of a vacation though. Tino's Family are CRAZY. I love them all.
Here's a couple of Pics I managed to remember to take...
Hana Likes our Bed in Finland about as much as she likes our Bed at Home.
Old Man Nukka Also likes our Bed, he's adopted Hana (Or tolerated her, one or the other. She loves him, he just farts a lot and sits on her when the puppy starts to get on his old man nerves.)
Tino's House and Just pics I took when I had the balls to be outside....
The Kitchen (MAGIC IS MADE IN HERE!!!!)
HEAVEN in the Backyard....
Look at this View! This is one thing I miss about living up north... the aurora is so beautiful. You don't get his on the Island (But then again you freeze here, that is the trade off...)
View off the kitchen porch
Shed in the backyard...
This is a Typical Morning (It looks like sunset doesn't it? The sun remains low on the horizon)
It gets just a little lighter. We get about 6 hours of Daylight a day and the sun never climes very high in the sky, it gets dark by early afternoon. Such is the weather this far north, But we are in Helsinki... Northern Finland gets no daylight at all for two months. I don't think I could live with no sun at all.
This is the brightest part of the day during Winter Sun (Kaamos)
And that's all the pictures I remembered to take...
(Well I took more, but those are for my eyes only and Tino would kill me if I posted his nudie pictures on my cellphone.)
See everyone back at School in a few days!