Title: Comfortable
asknicerPairing: Bert and Gerard
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Please don’t sue. This never happened.
Summary: Bob feels claustrophobic.
A/N: Prompt 3: Through Another’s Eyes
Bob still remembers the day Gerard and Bert sat everyone down and announced that they were a ‘couple’ with shy smiles and breathy giggles.
It was that same day when they announced that the bands would be having a ‘falling out’. Gerard and Bert, and everyone else for that matter, were sick of the fact that their friendship had become bigger than the bands and the music and the message.
And sure, the spotlight would shine brightly on them for a while because of it, but eventually it would die and they could be together away from the glare. This was the way they wanted to do it, and they all agreed…eventually.
So, it became Bert’s job to play the asshole and announce it. And Gerard’s job to play the I-don’t-talk-shit-about-other-bands sweetheart and deny that it was as bad as it sounded.
And it worked. After the initial media interest and the cries and confusion from the fans, Bert and Gerard were able to explore their new relationship in relative privacy.
Bob felt happy that day. The relief that they had finally recognised what everyone else had seen building between the two, and the pure joy that maybe it was possible, with a little tweaking, to have a real relationship in this industry made him very happy.
But now Bob isn’t happy. He feels claustrophobic.
He is sitting on the tour bus watching a movie with his boys and Bert. But Bob isn’t watching the screen any more, he’s watching Gerard and Bert.
Gerard sits on one end of the small couch. Bert is lying curled up on the couch, his head on Gerard’s thigh and his hands absentmindedly tracing delicate circles on Gerard’s jeans.
Bob watches as Gerard runs his fingers through Bert’s orangey hair, lifting up strands and letting them feather gently back down. Over and over Gerard repeats this action and Bob can’t look away.
He shifts awkwardly as the press of loneliness overwhelms him.
Bob wants a word to describe the relationship between Bert and Gerard, but he can never think of one. The best he could ever come up with was ‘comfortable’. But that just makes them seem boring and they were anything but. Sometimes he feels the best way to describe Bert and Gerard is in comparison to other relationships.
Mikey and Alicia are an awkward couple. It isn’t Mikey and Alicia’s relationship so much as just Alicia’s. When she’s around, Mikey becomes what she wants. And Alicia’s Mikey isn’t the Mikey that Bob loves. Bert and Gerard are always just Bert and Gerard. Sure, maybe the edges are a little softer at times, but they are still themselves. They’re comfortable…whereas Mikey always seems vaguely uncomfortable in his relationship.
Frank and Jamia are a tiring couple. When they’re together they’re euphoric and passionate and they buzz. When they’re apart they’re destroyed and depressed and they fade. Gerard and Bert are passionate when together, for sure. But when apart, they’re okay too. They’re both pragmatic about what touring and recording schedules mean for their relationship and are content with phone calls and emails and the knowledge that soon enough, they’ll be back in each other’s arms.
Ray never keeps any one girl long enough for Bob to classify them as relationships.
Bob still thinks that comfortable is the best word to describe Bert and Gerard. They just know each other so well that they don’t need the bullshit. Don’t need to push the other into being something else. Don’t need to panic and mourn when they’re apart. Don’t need to grasp so tightly to every second they’re together.
And he just doesn’t know how to feel happy for that. Not when it’s the relationship against which he knows he’ll measure everything else. He fears he’ll never find something so close. And that he’ll never be truly happy in a relationship because it will never measure up. And so why even bother trying in the first place?
But sometimes, when he catches Brian’s eye, he thinks that maybe he should try. Maybe it is possible.