Title: their story, though my eyes.
rurouni_yashaPairing: Bee and Gee
Rating: PG
POV: 1st, Jepha's POV
Disclaimer: hm...how many times do i have to really say i don't own them?
Summary: Jeph talks about Bert and Gerard's relationship.
Challenge: 004
Prompt: 3)From Another's Eyes. (B&G through the eyes of another character.)
"What are they doing?!" I said, looking over at Gerard and Bert. They were currently playing Twister on the ground in front of our buses. It wasn't really cold, but then again we were all in sweatshirts. But I guess that's nothing new for us. I had on my favourite shoes that I bought when I was in Japan . I love Japan; it's my favourite place in the world!
"Twister," Mikey replied, taking a slice of pizza and stuffing it into his mouth. He took a bite and placed it on the plate.
"Hm…figured that one out," I replied, looking over at Frank who was curled up under my arm. He always looks so cute when he's like this.
"Stop it, Gee! No tickling!" I looked over to see Bert with his arm over Gerard, who was crossed over Bob, who had his arms tangled with Branden, who was twisted with Ray. They were all in one giant knot and I wanted to run over and tickle them. But Gerard stole my idea and was now trying to tickle Bert.
He's really ticklish; it's so cute. When Gerard's not around and Bert's sitting with me, I tickle him. We usually cuddle when Frank or Gerard aren't around. We just need someone. Not all the time, but when we're brainstorming we all curl up together. It's like our 'thing'. We share our inspirations and creativity with each other when we lay like that. Branden usually puts all the ideas together; he's probably the brains of the band. I'm just the bass player.
But anyway, back to what was happening. Mikey was choking on the cheese right now; Frank made him laugh by saying 'booger'. Who would've thought Mikey was so easy to make laugh? He's like that little boy down the street. Well…actually, more like Bert. Even though Bert didn't live down the street, he laughs at just about everything. There was this one time that Gee slept over our place in LA, Bert was eating this shit that he likes to eat. It's some sort of oatmeal and it looks like it's already been eaten but he loves it so we let him eat it. But anyway, Gerard was sitting there making funny faces at him and the food shot out of his nose. It was so funny; Bert's so easy.
I know I'm talking way too much, but I don't think anyone minds. I usually just go off into something anyway. But Mikey asked me the other day if I thought Gerard looked happy. Bert and he fight a lot, and when I say a lot…I mean…all the time. They fight over everything then kiss and make up. It's insane! I honestly didn't know two people could fight like that. They yell, growl, snarl, everything at each other. They'll fight to the point where either Gerard and/or Bert will leave and they will spend the next couple of days crying over how much they miss each other.
I remember this one fight they had; it was over that whole 'we had sex' thing that Bert said. Not like they don't have sex, Gee is just very private with what he likes and what he doesn’t like. His sexual preference in particular. He'd rather people think they were just best friends rather than lovers. But Gerard's just like that. But anyway, they had this huge fight and Bert ended up yelling at him about how he hated Gerard and that it wasn't like he even enjoyed anything they did do. Now…let me tell you, when you insult Gerard's ways…you lose. Always, no buts about it. Anyway, Gerard yelled and marched out, but we were leaving for another venue. So, Bert and Gerard spent the next few days away from each other and by the time they got off the bus, they ran to each other and made up right there.
But do they love each other? No freaking doubt they do! Gerard is always on Bert's mind. I remember when we went touring with some other band right after we got off of touring with My Chem. Whenever something happened that reminded Bert of Gerard he'd tell us (even though that was like every other second!) and we'd all laugh at him and tell him he was lovesick. That usually meant Bert would get all pissy and storm off to get smashed.
I don't think Mikey's listening. Nope…that girl…Alicia? Is that her name? I can't remember, but whoever Mikey's 'in love' with is currently kissing him. But Frankie said he wanted me to keep talking so I will.
I remember when Frank called about Gerard collapsing in Japan. That was so scary. Branden freaked out. We could only see it happening to Bert next, and we were all afraid. But…if you know Bert like we do, he's a stubborn ass. I remember the whole thing perfectly. I remember Frank crying and Mikey was a mess. I don't think he's the same. No way, since he's returned, Mikey seems more protective. I would be, too if my brother almost died because his body couldn't take it anymore. I feel kinda bad for the kid. He's a really great person though. But anyway, it was really freaky. I was praying Bert would get cleaned up after that. He seemed to hate the idea of Gerard so sick and so far away but when Gerard returned, things only seemed to get worse.
I felt so bad for Gerard actually; he would come to 'party' with us and sit there and talk to Branden. That's it. Well…he'd drink water or a coke but nothing like we'd drink. Since he went sober he picked up a lot of weird hobbies. He draws a ton more, even though that's not weird. He's been buried in a bunch of 'alcoholic' books lately - I think that's a bit weird. He sleeps a lot more, or he just doesn't sleep, whichever he wants. He barely talked to Bert then. It was like walking past a wall; he never responded. He'd talk to me or Quinn, but not Bert. Bert went insane when Gee did that. They still played it up on stage though. It was so confusing. Gerard would be all over him and Gerard would smile like he used to or wink at Bert like he used to. But after that, the second our music ended, Gerard would glare at him and stalk off and hide on his bus or sit outside and smoke a cigarette - a lot of them to tell you the truth.
Then Bert got sick. He was really sick. There was something weird with his stomach and he cut down on the drinking. Gerard started talking to him again and I think he's realized it. If he cuts down he gets Gee back. And he's stayed that way. He drinks only at large gatherings and sometimes when he's lonely but otherwise he doesn't see the need.
So now that I've explained, like, everything they've ever been though, well, most of it anyway, I think that they are made to be together. They really are. I don't know anyone else who would stick around after what they went though together. I know I wouldn't. But they're together again, they truly are.
You can tell just by how they look at each other how much they need the other one. And I'm so happy they have each other. They're like the poster children for love. They make me smile, and I love to smile.
So I hope that's good enough for Mikey. Frank seems to think it will be.
"Come on, Jepha," Frank called to me. He'd gotten up and the rest of the guys were leaving as well. So, I got up and walked after them. I'm so glad I have them as friends.