Mar 18, 2009 08:22

So, it turns out, things aren't as bad as I feared. Whats funny, is while my tech-head of a roommate informed me that it must be my computer's motherboard that's really messed up, my other roommate after he got back from work this morning, managed to fix it in less than 5 minutes.

What did he do? He jiggled the cord connecting the monitor to the pc tower. The reason for this being, he believes, that when the Video Card was knocked from it's seating, it must have been damaged as it was jumbled around, thus when it was reseated, it still doesn't fit perfectly, so this causes a issue with the monitor receiving information, thus making it look like the computer isn't booting.

None the less, this is still the fault of UPS for their shitty handling of my PC.
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