(no subject)

Feb 17, 2009 04:13

Can we put Sonic to rest, please?

Sonic and the Black Knight is due for release in March, and I can't imagine why. After the horribleness that was Sonic Unleashed, why are they planning to release ANOTHER Sonic Game. This time, the gimmick is the offering of sword combat...but why? That just seems like something that gets in the way of what made Sonic popular to begin with, THE SPEED. Why interrupt me running like a bat-out-of-hell by shoving a sword in my hand and waste time poking baddies with it?

The Sonic franchise reminds me of a show dog. In it's prime, it entertained thousands of youngsters, and it was beloved. But then Sonic got old, and as it got old, it started having seizures. Before long, it just lays there twitching and drooling, and should have been put out of it's misery years ago. Instead, the owner pipes up now and then, "Hold on! I taught it a new trick!" He cries, and then he stabs it in the eye with a stick.

In other words, Team Sonic, leave my childhood alone. :P
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