Bloody computer *punts*

Feb 26, 2009 14:11

So, about a month ago, my computer caught a nasty trojan virus. Said virus corrupted Explorer, causing the damn thing to crash on start-up. I ended up sending the thing to Best Buy in hopes the Geeks there could repair it. After a week of impatience, I gave up, and told them to just wipe the damn thing.

When I got the computer back, I have noticed a major problem that I didn't have before. Namely, my graphics card has been getting too hot (As it tells me, and beeps at me constantly.) while I've been playing games it had no trouble with before, like WoW and Warhammer Online. There have been two occasions where the computer has gotten too hot and shut it self down.

I've installed all the drivers, and even installed an additional fan, but still, the overheating issue pops up, and I play all my games now at reduced settings in fear of my computer exploding.

Right now, I'm planning on getting a new graphics card (Which doesn't have a fan, but a enormous heat sink.) and some new memory sticks (Replacing the 2gig I have in there now, and increasing overall memory to 4gig.) Probably try to fit another fan in there too.

I still want to know the central issue, however, and try to figure what's the root cause.
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