Well had jab today so got to work late and I'm feeling pants, so am procrastinating and stealing this from
sgamwell: argh ok the post is here on my screen, says its not there when i press post, i edit and its here and lj hates me.
ONE] Who was your last text from?
[TWO] Where was your default pic taken?
Its a Fruits Basket Icon, not sure what ep
[THREE] What's your middle name?
Kerry Louise
[FOUR] Your current relationship status?
Ummm, its a relationship, its not single but its not married or engaged. Umm taken?????
[FIVE] Does your crush like you back?
Well he seems to
[SIX] What is your current mood?
hide under the duvet
[SEVEN] What's your dads name?
[EIGHT] What colour shirt are you wearing?
Black and i made a hole in it :-(
[NINE] Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Most definatly, would now but hes playing cards
[TEN] If you could go back in time and change something, would you?
[ELEVEN] Have a crazy side?
hell yeah i do
[TWELVE] Ever had a near death experience?
Not as far i know
[THIRTEEN] Last person you showered with?
sam - i'm sure you wanted to know that
[FOURTEEN] Angry at anyone?
myself for allowing myself to be so down today
[FIFTEEN] Do you wanna see somebody right now?
no, the one I wanna be seeing at this moment is right here
[SEVENTEEN] When was the last time you cried?
This morning - theres no 16
[EIGHTEEN] Who would you do anything for?
i;m not sure i'd say i'd do anything for 1 particular person. But I will always try and do everything i can for those i care for
[NINETEEN] Who is your hero?
guess thats the one I look up to. Still gotta be the statue in aber.
[TWENTY] What is the one thing you notice about the opposite sex first?
hair i think
[TWENTY-TWO] What's your biggest secret?
[TWENTY-THREE] How is your last ex?
supose that would count as andy, and still drinking last i heard
[TWENTY-FOUR] Would you ever take them back?
No, he can't change and I don't want what he is offers
[TWENTY-FIVE] Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
anime count as kiddies, hell yeah, and disney
[TWENTY-SIX] What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
[TWENTY-SEVEN] Do you speak any other languages?
bit of german, used to be able to do french a bit, getting there with finnish and now learning japanese
[TWENTY-EIGHT] What's your favourite smell?
home cooked food
[TWENTY-NINE] Describe your life?
just beginning
[THIRTY] Have you ever kissed in the rain?
ummm i honestly don't know
[THIRTY-ONE] Do you like the rain?
Yes, heavy rain is lovely to be out in as long as you can dive back in and get warm and dry
[THIRTY-TWO] What are you thinking about right now?
people I've kissed
[THIRTY-THREE] What should you be doing right now?
umm work, not all that much to do, maybe tidying the desk.
[THIRTY-FOUR] What is your favourite memory?
I can;t tell you that
[THIRTY-FIVE] What are you listening to?
wow card gamers joking around
[THIRTY-SIX] Who was the last person you told i love you?
[THIRTY-SEVEN] Who was the last person you yelled at?
giles when he started to dig at my rhubarb plant then my strawberrys. I need some of that cat repellant for plants.
[THIRTY-EIGHT] Do you act differently around the person you like?
[THIRTY-NINE] What is your natural hair colour?
Black and a few strands of grey
[FORTY] Who was the last person to make you smile?
Ross a few mins ago