Apr 26, 2007 19:21
Well, well, what have we here?
It seems I am awake enough to be on lj
I'm caring about updating
I've eaten and held it down
I've been fan girl-ing
I think my pms has finished, it was only 2 fucking weeks long. Teach me to not be happy with what I have.
Yes I have bad, bad, bad, bad, and did i mention bad? pms, so bad that I have asked my Dr if I can be hospitalised for the pms wkend cos I no longer feel safe at that time, but its only 3 days. And part of me says god danmmit girl it can't be perfect suck it up and get on with life. Tho thats easy to say when I'm happy, if I am as bad next month please dear god let me be hospitalised and kept safe.
So yeah can't remember if I said before but I tried taking one packet of the contraceptive pill after the other and my body dug it heels in gave me no period but severe pms for 2 long weeks, possibly more. The idea behind it was no period = no pms = no trying to kill myself, but it didn't work. Back to one packet a month from the end of this month.
But on a brighter side my Dr has made an appt with a gynie for me *shudder* but hopefully they will understand the hormones better. Just as long as they don't wanna take a look at anything *shudder*
He's also keeping me stacked with diazepam as I have depleated my stocks.
And after talking with Sam hes pretty certain i have manic depression, and wants to get me on a mood stabiliser that won't make me completley useless like the lithium did. I've always said that my ups aren't really ups, they are just me feeling OK and having the energy to get things done. Apparently bouncey counts as hyper, but this Dr just doesn't know my friends I say *lol*
Thats the mental health done with. Physical health?
*Blurgh* Been sooooo tired and nauseous lately. Took a day off cos i just had to sleep. Think I need to get serious about my diet, definately cut out the bad stuff for me; wheat, citrus and dairy. Take my iron pills regularly. Fresh veg with every meal. Meals being meals not junk, and increase my fruit consumption. I should not be eating lunch out each day no matter how healthy or easy it is.
But we'll see what happens with that cos you know about good intentions and where they lead to.
On the downside all this mental and physical health problems have had reprecusions on my work. I have been making mistakes and not been at my best at all. Its shown and my bosses are now concerned and I am not happy with that. I am a perfectionist and dammit I am gonna be good at this job! My job now consists of:
Contract administrator
Permi placement administrator
Pay roll administrator
Errand runner
So I'm administrating, recptionist-ing, errand running and doing some accounts. Using sage as well as tempest now. I have increaseed my trays from 1 deal with later tray, 1 payroll tray and 1 deal with now tray, to add 1 invoices tray. And guess what? they are all full to the point of touching the bottom of the one above and i have piles gathering around the trays. Can you say overworked? But dammit I'm gonna get through it cos yes I am THAT good. Give me 2 weeks and I will get this under control again.
They have got a temp in but she is soooo frelling useless, and they moved the contracting consultants downstairs so they now control music and I cant hear it so it's not motivating me, but we will see how it goes. I'm still liking my job, I just have to show them I'm not useless I am stable and am brilliant and that I can do my work.
Ok well i wanna post more about the fangirly stuff but i dunno if this is getting too long so maybe a separate post
*bounces off to talk fangirly rather than lifey*
mental health,
physical health