(no subject)

Oct 21, 2007 00:58

Title: Somewhere Out There (Chapter One)
Rating: PG, I guess. There's not really anything racy.
Notes: Basically what I'm doing with the chapters based on "Loss" is filling in what you "didn't see" in the episode. Sometimes I'll refer to scenes and use direct quotes from the episodes, but I didn't in this chapter. I hope you enjoy it! Thank you to everyone who left me feedback. :D I'll be working on getting Chapter 2 up as soon as I can.

"Olivia, why won't you just tell me whot his guy is?" Alex asked as they walked into the ADA's kitchen. She set her purse and keys on the counter then leaned against it. Clearly Olivia was having trouble with this. Alex could see her fidgeting the whole way home.

"You know I can't do that, Alex." Olivia slid her leather trench coat off her shoulders and draped it on the back of a kitchen chair. "Please, give it a reast for a while."

"We don't clock out when we leave the office. You know that better than anyone," Alex said.

"I can't give you his name."

"Off the record."

"Alex, please."

"I went to bat for you today. Do you want a judge to throw out the search? Zapata will walk and leave the country." Alex tilted her head and studied Olivia's face. "But there's more to this, isn't there? There's more to this than the rape."

Olivia looked away. Alex was too good at reading through her eyes. "I can't. Please don't ask me."

"You can't tell me? Olivia, what could you possibly not tell me?"

"Don't make this personal, Alex. That's not fair and you know it. Do not pull this card on me. Don't take advantage of our relationship."

"Now you're getting personal."

"And you're obsessing. Remember Roy Barnett?" Olivia regretted mentioning that case the moment she said that man's name. She knew that Alex had never forgiven herself for the tragic events that had happened back then, and she also knew that none of it was really Alex's fault. But Alex had obsessed over it, and nearly lost her job. The look on her girlfriend's face showed Olivia that Alex hadn't taken that question very well.

Alex was shocked that Olivia had pulled the Barnett card on her. Maybe she'd deserved it for trying to use their relationship as a means to get information, but she hadn't thought that Olivia would actually do it. Standing there in silence for a moment, the blonde lowered her eyes and nodded a little, then walked out of the kitchen and into the bedroom.

Olivia silently cursed and brought her fist down against the counter. She hated when they fought, because it rarely happened. They joked and teased, and sometimes they butted heads professionally, but at home they just didn't usually fight. The last time she could recall actually was during the Roy Barnett case. Their situation now was reminding Olivia of that time, but it was different. Alex was probably obsessing over Zapata because she was being kept in the dark. It wasn't her fault. Sighing, she followed Alex to the bedroom to find the blonde sitting on the edge of the bed. "Alex, I--"

"I don't want to fight, Liv. I wasn't intentionally trying to manipulate you," Alex said quietly.

"I know, I just--"

"I'm putting you in an unfair position."

Olivia watched her for a minute in silence, then sat down beside her. "So am I." She thought on it for another long, quiet moment, then pulled her cellphone from her pocket. After pressing a few buttons, she held it up to her ear. "Donovan? It's Detective Benson," there was a brief pause. "I know, but there's a problem. We need to meet with you." Olivia looked over at Alex, who was staring at her, wide eyed. "No, I'm not coming with Stabler. Someone else. Our ADA."

Alex couldn't believe what she was hearing. Had Olivia really just contacted the man giving them information, and set up a meeting with him? It was what she'd wanted, but she felt horribly guilty after getting it. If anyone else had done that for her, she would've been fine accepting. When Olivia hung up the phone, she took one of the detective's hands. "Liv, you didn't have to do that."

"It's fine. He's going to meet us. Let's go," Olivia said, clasping hands with Alex and pulling her up. She did not wait for Alex to respond before escorting her back to the kitchen to get their things, then out the door and to the car. Olivia was disappointed in herself for giving in, but she also felt she had no choice. Alex needed to know what was going on. They rode in silence to the designated location, but Olivia had not let go of Alex's hand until they arrived. "He's up on the fourth floor. Third room on the left."

"You're not coming?"

"I'll be down here, keeping an eye out," Olivia replied, keeping her eyes forward. "I want to warn you though. He's not happy."

"I imagine not," Alex said, taking a deep breath, then exhaling slowly. "Third room on the left." She slid her hand free and got out of the car. After glancing around, Alex disappeared into the building.

Once Alex was gone, Olivia slipped into stake-out mode. She'd been doing this sort of thing long enough to know what to look out for. But try as she might, she couldn't get their argument out of her head, or the nagging, wondering thought that Alex had played her, manipulated her into this. Ultimately it had been her own decision to contact Donovan, but how long would it have been before Alex had tried again? Stop it, she thought, gripping the steering wheel. She loves you. She needed to know about this. It'll be all right..
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