(no subject)

Oct 26, 2007 13:50

Title: Somewhere Out There (chapter two)
Rating: PG-13, for some language, alcohol, and some hints at mature situations towards the end.

The sound of the door opening and closing announced Alex’s arrival to Olivia’s apartment. Olivia looked up from what she was doing in time to see the blonde enter the kitchen. The look on Alex’s face was one of stress, frustration, and a hint of what looked to be desperation. Olivia had been right; her meeting with Arthur Branch had not gone as Alex had hoped. She reached down to what she’d been working on and held out a glass containing a mixture of vodka, orange juice, and ice. “Thought you might need this,” Olivia said, offering the smallest smile.

Alex’s smile was even smaller, but she took the drink anyway. “Thanks,” she said. Indeed, she’d not gotten the response she’d hoped for from Branch. Cut Zapata a deal. Alex shook her head, recalling his words as she took a quick sip of the drink Olivia prepared for her. “We’re cutting Zapata a deal. I have to meet with him and Lionel tomorrow morning.”

Olivia’s brow furrowed. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that decision. Part of her felt offended; they’d done all that work, pinned him with evidence, covered their asses so not to screw over the feds, and now they had to cut Zapata a deal? The other part of her was somewhat relieved. They were treading into dangerous ground, more dangerous than any of them knew. Olivia did not want anymore bloodshed on their watch. “Think he’ll take the deal?”

“No,” she replied, exhaling deeply. “But offering him a deal might spook Lionel enough to think we have more evidence. It might convince Zapata that Donovan will actually testify.” Alex took another drink, then moved out of the kitchen and into the living room. She sat on the couch and lowered her gaze to the glass in her hand.

Olivia did not follow Alex right away. She tried to think of as many things as she could to try to flip the situation around into a good one. Unfortunately she was coming up dry. The options they were faced with were grim; the only positive she came up with was that the feds still had a shot at busting him, provided Zapata stayed in the country. Brown eyes stared at the bottle of vodka resting on the counter. Olivia picked it up, unscrewed the cap and took a swig of the clear liquid. The burning sensation in her throat made her grip the counter and shut her eyes tightly for a moment until it passed, and she set the bottle back down. After taking a much needed breath, Olivia put the vodka away and finally left the kitchen. She joined Alex on the couch. “Turn,” she said, helping Alex to turn sideways so that the blonde’s back was to her. Olivia slid Alex’s suit jacket off her shoulders, followed shortly after by the soft blue shirt she had underneath.

Alex went along with Olivia’s motions, but her mind was still so focused on the case that she barely even noticed what the brunette was doing. “He won’t take the deal. Donovan isn’t going to testify. Our evidence will be thrown ou-“

“Shh,” Olivia cut her off, placing a gentle kiss to Alex’s left shoulder. “We’re home now. Don’t do this to yourself.” She traced her fingers up the blonde’s spine, parting ways as she ran them across the outline of her shoulder blades, then finally up to her shoulders. “Stop thinking ahead for five minutes and just relax.” Olivia then began to gently massage Alex’s shoulders, every now and then placing gentle kisses to her cheek, temple, back of her head. She closed her eyes as she took in the sweet scent of her blonde hair, the scent she cuddled up to at night when they slept, the scent that invaded her senses when they kissed, laid together, made love. Olivia was so entranced by it that she was almost startled when she felt Alex finally lean back against her.

Alex had a hard time relaxing, even in the most peaceful moments. There was almost always something on her mind. And yet Olivia had managed to find a way to calm her, to make all the stresses of the world disappear. Sometimes the relaxation didn’t last long, and Alex felt certain that it wouldn’t that night. For now though, she would indulge in Olivia’s affections and take solace in every single one of her touches. Slowly, she snaked a hand back to lightly brush against Olivia’s cheek. After a few more minutes of getting her shoulders rubbed, Alex shifted so that she could turn around and face the detective. She brought her other hand up to touch both sides of Olivia’s face, tracing her high cheek bones, down that sharply defined jaw, and back up into her hair. Alex quirked an eyebrow at Olivia as she stroked the brunette’s hair. “You need a haircut,” she said, finally cracking a smile.

Olivia scrunched her nose. “Yeah, yeah, I know. Tomorrow,” she said, wrapping her arms around Alex. A deep kiss followed the embrace, which quickly led to a night of pleasant distractions…
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