(no subject)

Jul 06, 2013 22:41

I wonder, is the problem with liberalism rooted in atheism or is the problem with atheism rooted in liberalism. It's kind of a chicken or the egg deal I know but it is still so very, very tiresome to talk with either of them: much for the same reasons: the unwillingness to actually study the issue, have a good faith debate, the reliance on emotion over contemplation or refusal to think outside their little American/ Western Civilization box.

Either way, there is nothing worse than the theologically ignorant trying to be deep or profound.

1.) Lucifer doesn't exist (it is a reference to a Babylonian(?) king that got messed up in translation. Lucifer is christian pop culture at it's worst. I'll admit that all those stupid arguments about God creating evil might be the fault of Christendom (I say might because there are still good arguments showing how lacking in perspective that argument is).

2.) The name of the tree is "The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" not the "Tree of Knowledge". Who knows if Eve hadn't eaten that fruit then we might be traveling the universe in a ftl ship by now.

3.) Consider that the people God killed were either a.) enslaving his people (Egypt), literally riled themselves from their daily work to rape two angels (Sodom and Gomorrah), or sacrificed children to their gods (Canaanites) when you bring up that number as if it's supposed to mean something besides empirical evidence of being a historically illiterate dumbass. I find people who pull that number out to be either hilariously ignorant or outright sociopathic.

4.) Consider that this was the bronze age, a lot of the values and ideas you and I take for granted did not exist. Do consider that for every complaint you may have about the law there is a great deal of historical and cultural context.

Honestly, I think the reason I hate debating them both is this: there is a wall, a stupid little wall composed of idiotic notions of pop culture -only white men want to get rid of abortion; war is the ultimate evil; corporations are evil; global warming; etc., only that they refuse to even acknowledge even when evidence otherwise is presented. Every time the debate starts it is impossible to get a good back and forth because I have to make these people unlearn the stupidity brought on by years of exposure to talking heads in love with the sound of their voice.
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