Just Thought I'd Clear This Up

Jul 12, 2013 00:59

Saw a yahoo post about how the actor behind the new Spider Man reboot thought Spidey Should Be Gay and I couldn't help but notice how everyone who felt the negative reactions were homophobic reactions kept misrepresenting a certain phrase: "homosexuals don't reproduce, they recruit" so I typed up this little number to explain the underlying thinking under the delusion that leftists were sensible and intellectually motivated people.

I laugh at all the comments about how people who disagree are homophobic. Try to think of it not as an actual recruiting station ala the military, think of it like this:

1.) popular culture regularly gives homosexuals more exposure than blacks (25% to 10%) in films- consider that in real life the exclusively homosexual account for 2 or 3% at the highest estimates and you might understand why we say that Hollywood is attempting to normalize homosexuality.

2.) Popular culture can't accept that there may be degrees to which one prefers one sex over another and because of it their ability to portray sexuality is intrinsically flawed- the average joke involves a masculine character having one errant thought about men and becoming a homosexual or in some cases having no remote interest in men and discovering their homosexuality because they were too heterosexual or whatever(notice how the joke is never the reverse because the reverse would be deemed "homophobic"). Imagine how a twelve year old who is just learning about his/her own sexuality would feel with society sending such idiotic and contradictory things especially as their body is starting to boil over with hormones that make them do weird things and every media source out there is saying that no matter how you react to any conceivable stimuli you're gay, not bisexual or even just experiencing weird sensations caused by misfiring hormones, just gay. Do you see how this could have serious detrimental effects.

3.) Hollywood is inept at portraying homosexuals as it is. I remember my Film teacher at some point in class said of Brokeback Mountain: "...the relationship was abusive." There is a disturbingly commonplace trend in Hollywood to write homosexuals as either horrendous effeminate stereotypes or sociopaths. I remember in one episode of Family Guy Peter was injected with hormones and became gay. I remember this episode specifically because Peter LEFT HIS FAMILY FATHERLESS to pursue his selfish desires. Do you really want these people to dictate to your children the nature of sexuality?

So, let's see: they are over representing the homosexual population by a large margin and they are inundating the media outlets with messages that are contradictory and idiotic unconsciously creating an environment flooded with misinformation, and finally they are creating an unconscious narrative that anything at all out of the ordinary is a sign that you are homosexual (and no human is ordinary).

sex, spider man, recruiting

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