I'm not going out there and getting shot. Thanks though.*

Jun 01, 2011 20:32

Don't quite know what to do with myself. Still no word on the internship. I went out walking yesterday for four hours or so and finished watching Harper's Island. I also did some Supernatural fanart at 3 am.

This was the closest I could get to the image I had in my head. Oh, text, why do you fail me?

Texture by planets-bend-between-us over on Tumblr.

Sickle's Brief Review of Harper's Island:

This is a thirteen-episode murder mystery show - reminiscent of Agaha Christie's "And Then There Were None" except there's more time and more deaths. I watched it for Jim Beaver, whom I heard discussing it in an interview with Winchester Radio.

Little did I know, the show had five actors who've been on Supernatural: Jim Beaver ("Bobby"), Katie Cassidy ("Ruby", V.1, now a brunette and still wicked awesome), Ben Cotton ("Pride", and charmingly also in Slither - man, I love that movie), Chris Gauthier ("Ronald", of "You working for the mandroid?" fame and who, as with Lost's Hurley, breaks my heart if he so much as thinks about looking sad), and Callum Keith Rennie ("Roy" of "Wendigo", whom I found to be a distractingly sexy crazy psychopathic serial killer).

Also it had Richard Burgi, whom I recognized from Firefly as Lieutenant Womack in "The Message", Ali Liebert, and Brandon Jay McLaren (whose performance I really enjoyed), both of whom I should have recognized from Human Target, Matt Barr, who was in Ten Inch Hero, and Christopher Gorham, who was in Buffy the Vampire Slayer's "I Only Have Eyes For You".

The lead was Elaine Cassidy - sans Irish accent - whom I'd seen in Disco Pigs and, regardless of what I thought of the film, liked her in. She was lovely in Harper's Island too.

Basically, everyone was in it.

Towards the end of the show - somewhere around its last three episodes - I gave up on ranting at the screen and actually typed it down:

  • If you're in a set of tunnels and a man is coming by your tunnel, don't get in headfirst into the tiny side tunnel! Get in feet first like an angry vicious badger so you have your head and goddamn rifle pointed at the man! Then you can shoot him in the leg instead of having your own feet grabbed at.
  • It is my headcanon that Wakefield is Shane's dad. There's the family resemblance, for one, but mainly it's the close-up on their Significant Look when Wakefield breaks in.
  • Trish has a moment of massive stupidity: a man with giant knife is about to face-off with a a man with small knife. She has a rifle. What does she do? Shoot the bad man? What madness, no! She runs off just like the Man With Tiny Knife and Death Wish says, and locks herself up in the bathroom with the gun. Ugh, so frustrated.
  • Don't shoot the fucking door you've just fucking barricaded!
  • I ship Cal/Chloe so hard ♥
  • Although at times I hated Shane's actions, I really enjoyed his character.
  • Man, Wakefield's got a serious whaling fetish.

Video of the Day: NineteenPercent's Beyonce - "Run the World" (LIES)

image Click to view

Quote of the Day: John Steinbeck
I wonder how many people I've looked at all my life and never seen.

Links of the Day:
laespada's Meta Supernatural and the Underclass, Part 5 - Clothing
cugami's Meta The Poetry of Dean and Cas, a Manifesto of Sorts - ♥
fandomsecrets' Discussion Castiel's Finale
all_spn's Photo Brazil Convention - Fans glomp Misha, Matt, and Chad ; Video Brazil Convention - Misha on Dean and Castiel's relationship ; Brazil Convention - Misha on "kissing" Crowley ; Video Rising Con Brazil Misha's Panel, Misha's Panel
FCSPNBR's Video Brazil Convention - Backstage - Misha Interview - Misha's in one of his rare serious-interview mode.
dean_sam's flocked Rising Con Brazil Videos
bardicvoice's Review Let it Bleed
squishyball's GIF Review Let it Bleed - Bwahahahaha! *...cries* ; GIF and Meta Reaction Finale Spoilers - Or why the Winchesters are being obtuse. ; GIF Review Mother of All ; GIF Review Frontierland ; My Heart Will Go On
exmanhater's Fic Castiel's Guide to Wooing a Winchester
cold_feets' Fic It's All About the Souls Kittens & Fanart
special_k414's Fic Take a Sad Song and Make it Better
vie_dangerouse's Fic Freedom at Point Zero
mrscastielftw's Fic Once Upon a Time at the Gateway to Purgatory
placeofinsanity's Fic A Sad Song - ♥
monicawoe's Fic Theosis & quickreaver's Fanart
fantapieland's Fic How NOT to Kis and Angel & rumi_nyo's Fanart
shadowrose81's Fic Confession and Absolution
coffeebuddha's Fic An Easy Battle
jaune_chat's Fic Intervention
ryann_blackwood's Fic "God", It's Me, Dean Winchester. Get Your Ass Down Here
glorious_spoon's Fic Things That Don't Get Lost
jjtaylor's Fic Your Bottle Is Empty (But Your Glass Has Been Filled)
cafe_de_labeill's Fanart Untitled - ♥
neeneeluv's Fanart Cas and the slurpie
marourin's Fanart Comic Taxi
secretlytodream's Fanvid Cherry Tree
limabeta's Fanvid The Noose
lightthesparks' Tartot Card: Bobby as Hierophant
A Little More Sonic's Doctor Who Crossover Fanart and Text It's Okay - MAKE THIS CANON
Atomicblonde's GIF He's a good guy. He was just confused. - THE PARALLELS!
Its Sorcery's Who does Sam / Dean / Cas love? ; Why do you like Supernatural? - Trufax.
TV Over Mind's Slideshow: Most Heartbreaking Scenes ; Slideshow: Funniest Scenes ; Slideshow: Coolest Villains ; Slideshow: Hottest Winchester Scenes
Foryouistellify's GIF Cas is a creeper - Lol

Doctor Who:
doctorwho's Discussion Ganger consciousness ; Discussion Four Questions ; Discussion The Silence ; Discussion of Overthinkingit's Is Doctor Who Bad For Women? ; Discussion Sonic colour in The Almost People
qthewetsprocket's Review The Almost People
mswyrr's Review The Almost People
selenak's Review The Almost People
darknote's Review The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People
izhilzha's Review The Almost People
scarfman's Review and Meta in Comicform The last scene
A Little More Sonic's Meta The Almost People
such_heights' Fic Fly Me to the Moon
Foryouistellify's Do you guys realize that next Saturday is the last episode of Doctor Who until September?

delta_mai's Meta and Picspam Favourite Supporting Character: River Tam
oneforyes' Picspam River in "Ariel"
sabersailor's Picspam Women of Firefly
caitri's Fic Five Things About Simon Tam ; Fic Five Things About Mal
thedothatgirl's Fanvid Signal to Noise
colls' Fanvid Absolutely Cuckoo
kinky_carter's Fanvid River's Tears
Fireflyfans' Whedon answers some questions
IMDB's Serenity Transcript
TVTDB's Transcripts
Browncoats' Transcripts
Tim Minear's Transcript: "Out of Gas"
Summerglauwiki's The R. Tam Sessions

Other Fandom:
caitri's Castle Fic Five Things About Richard Castle ; Buffy Fic Five Things About Willow
teyla's Much Ado About Nothing Review - The Tate & Tennant production
MoreToby's Harry Potter Literal Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Trailer

charmax's Fanvid Space Girl; A Voyage Through Time and Space
uglybusiness' Wallpapers - Buffy, Supernatural, Vampire Diaries
leggyslove's Icons - Doctor Who, Supernatural
Tumblr's Whedoncaps ; Summerglau

ursulav's More excerpts
Tithenai's Two churches located across the street from each other. At least the Catholics have a sense of humor. - XD
Wachetauf's We live in a society that teaches "Don't get raped" instead of "Don't rape" ; I can change all those things. You can't change that you have an ugly heart
Foryouitsellify's Fanart The Beatowls
The Fine Bros' The Unexpected Execution Paradox
Alex Trimpe's Video The World is Obsessed with Facebook
World's Greatest Film and TV Extra

* Shane, Harper's Island

actors: misha collins, fandom: behind the scenes, fandom: fic, fandom: art, books: harry potter, fandom: analysis, fandom: picspam, quotes, lj users: ursulav, human rights, my daily life, fandom: fanvids, my movie reviews, tv: btvs, tv: transcripts, actors, actors: interviews, tv: doctor who, tv: castle, my art, fandom: icons, fandom: crossover, fandom: comics, tv: firefly/serenity

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