Title: Taxi
ru-salki99Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: AU, Bad comic work, Dialogue so corny you could munch it at the movies.
Spoilers: None
Notes: This was drawn for
Everlasting Birthday ChallengePrompt: Human AU: Dean climbs into a cab at the same time Castiel climbs into the other side. Instead of fighting over it, they decide to share. What happens next is up to you :)
>< sorry it's so short--work was killing me. And...so I wanted to stab myself in the face for dialogue scenes. It kinda made me want to cry. Also, Dean's face puts me in despair.
ps: As a side note, for my next comic I'd like to try something longer but, as you can see, my story skillz are pretty shoddy. Does anyone wanna kinda collab with me? Or beta a story? Duties include listening to me hyperventilate about never being able to finish and proofreading.
pps: Ramble On