I am glad we've got Smitey McSmiterson in our squad*

Apr 30, 2011 21:55

Sickle's Brief Review of Supernatural's "Mummy Dearest", 6x19:

  • Then... CROWLEY! Oh, please, pleasepleaseplease don't be dead! I miss your snark!
  • Dean saying Cas is busy, and they shouldn't bother him? I love him for that.
  • "I was never in your... o.0?" I love Castiel's "wait, what?" face when his brain catches up to what he's saying.
  • You need a friendly monster? USE LENORE! *moments later* Yes! Oh, Lenore, how I love you! It was sad how she was trying to rile Sam up with her "ooh, I killed someone - stop me - it was awesome - kill me - I'l do it again (please)." And then Cas swoops in all business and "let's move this moral dillema right along, shall we?"
  • I loved the idea that Lenore was a walking videocamera for Eve.
  • That said, thanks, show, for giving me so little of Lenore this time around. No fair.
  • Dean complaining that Cas is just "a baby in a trenchcoat" without his powers, and that babies whine, when Cas says he's "fairly unpracticed with firearms" was a low blow. Does he not remember Castiel kicking ass with angel-killing knives and swords and assorted sharp thingies? (Although later Cas gets to use the machete, and seeing as how Dean was using it a moment before, I can only hope Dean gave him the machete, which, win.)
  • That said? Baby!Cas inna Trenchcoat Chibis. NOW.
  • Sam: "I think you hurt his feelings." - I love you forever for this, Sam. It makes me almost forgive your negating to hug the angel, but go you for standing up for him.
  • I am amused that, since Cas is "(figuratively) limp", Dean is stuck baby-*snicker*-sitting him, while Sam teams up with Bobby. It could have been Sam&Dean and Bobby&Cas (and I love those teams too), but no. ♥
  • Speaking of teams, I don't think we've ever seen the Sam&Cas team. I guess the closest we got was Soulles!Sam and "will you, boy?" Cas.
  • Okay, how disturbed am I that it took Castiel five minutes to break the Starship? Very. Especially considering Bobby's been at it for a while. (And no, we're not using the "he losened it up for him" defense, which doesn't even work for jam jars.) And of course, now I have images of Castiel peeking in on Dean in On the Head of a Pin, taking mental notes on proper torture methods. Or having Dean teach him torture. OMG. Or Dean teaching Cas to torture in hell, all proud of his work, focused and chatty, when Cas is really just trying to bust him out (and by "bust out", it's more of a "convince torture-loving Dean to lay down the knives and come along"). Where is the instant fic generator? Because gods know I'll never get around to it.
  • I love Dean sticking to his "little picture" view of the world, and am rather proud of him for that too. He wants to help the people he can, right now, right there. And I can see how he'd have to break to turn into Mr Bigger Picture, as we saw in The End.
  • gaelicspirit (re: Castiel): "He totally busts out the quotey fingers." - He totally does, and we loves it!
  • The wee-est boy's not talking? DING DING DING goes my "this shit can't be good" meter.
  • The wee boys were just like Wee!chesters, especially sitting there in the back of the Impala. D'aw.
  • Oh dear angel, when his voice broke a tiny bit? Talking about the wayward orphans? Oh, Cas! *heart breaks* You're a wayward orphan too, aren't you?
  • Bobby: (to Castiel) "Don't be cute." - But he is! Can't stop the signal, Bobby!
  • Crowley's alive? Well, Cas must've missed a phalange. (Or a carpal. Or one of the ossicles. Those would be a bitch to find in grave dirt.) Or the boys, when they were digging up the grave. I said as much when Crowley first flamed up: don't keep all your bones in one bag.
  • Dean: Really sister? Dragons? - XD
  • Fake!Mary! We've seen about as many evil versions of Mary as we have real ones - or as real as you can get in terms of alternative realities and heavenly memories. I loved how she acted so comfortably intimate with the boys - very motherly and almost warm. Not so freaky as the original Eve - who I also enjoy - and it felt right for such a personal battle-of-words.
  • We almost got a repeat of Vamp!Dean! There better be fic out there where the episode went as is, but Dean didn't get off scott free from Eve's bite. Think of the angst!
  • Wow, did the camera get damn close to Eve and Dean's faces during the "I'm melting! Meeeelting!" scene. Too close, too long, for my taste.
  • I was just thinking the other day - what with the magical phoenix ashes - that The Mother of All never really felt like a Big Bad, and now she's dead. I feel kinda cheated about it. I know she's a point in the greater series arc, but I feel she could've been expanded a bit more.
  • Speaking of Eve, she's been linked a few times to angelic references in this episode. There's Ed and his bad pick-up line, the "I believe in miracles" lyrics of You Sexy Thing, and finally her "Angela" nametag as a waitress. Hmmm.
  • Speaking of the previous bullet point, maybe we'll see her again in Purgatory. I mean, with that new playground, any dead baddy is up for grabs, right? Now, where'd I put my wish-to-see-them-again list...
  • Dean, are the words "thanks for fixing the gaping hole in my neck" too hard for you? I love that you trust and depend on Castiel enough to take it for granted that he's going to fix you, but a little appreciation once in a while would go a long way.
  • It's all about the souls. Focus. Remember Death, Dean. Follow the money souls.
  • CROWLEY CROWLEY CROWLEY CROWLEY (Translation: *Sickle claps like a seal*)
  • I am infinitely amused that Crowley is cleaning up Castiel's messes now, when Castiel did just that when he "took care" of Crowley's holding-and-torture den, when Sam so callously asked him to. There were babies in there, Sam! (Shifter babies, sure, but still babies.) Not just evil monsters.
  • Dean: "This is Cas we're talking about!" - Oh ♥!
  • gaelicspirit (speculating): "Crowley and Castiel made a deal." - ...ngh. Even if Cas doesn't have a soul to sell, I'm sure Crowley would use the same deal-sealing methods he always does. Which means... Unf.

seschat and I have been talking about Castiel this season lately, particularly of his treatment at the hands of the Winchesters. In that vein, here are some quotes that express my sentiments better than I can (particularly since I express my sentiments in GIFs):

deedee_mac12, here
Dean's been a bit of a jerk to Castiel all season long. He's been treating him like a tool, and Cas is beginning to realize this. I believe he's reached a point where he's not sure what he's fighting for anymore. He knows having monsters and demons running things is not good; the angels aren't much better; and his efforts to protect humanity in the process - which I'm convinced is due mainly to his strong attachment to Dean, and not from any particular love for mankind as a whole - is becoming increasingly more burdensome.

And his role this season as Dean's on-call "bitch" (forgive me, but that's the way I see it) is proof of just how much of an anchor Dean has been for Cas. The poor angel is in a very bad place right now and Dean is the only one who can help get him out of it. I just hope Dean can pull his head out of his ass in time to prove to his friend that he does care about him, very much, and that he's not alone. Otherwise, I can easily see Castiel just giving up and not caring anymore about anything, and that would truly break my heart. :-(

Links of the Day:
gaelicspirit's Meta Why the Posititve Attitude - On Season 6 ; Coda Fic to What Is and What Should never Be Fate - "If Mom hadn't died, would Dean and I still have been close? Would we have still needed each other like we do now? Would it still be hard for me to tell where he ended and I began?" Ow, my heart.
spn_deanw's Post-Episode Watch Party Mummy Dearest
tracy_loo_who's Review & Picspam Mummy Dearest - XD + ♥
gaelicspirit's Review Mummy Dearest
captainlon's Review Mummy Dearest - "You know because that wall in Sam's head is still there so something has to happen soon right? *Headdesk* I don't really like how they tend to drop a storyline for quite a few episodes like it never happened and then finally puts it back in."
and_ed's Review Mummy Dearest - "So...that's it for The Mother of All? Really? [...] Lenore! I loved Lenore. I thought it was sort of weird to bring her back for like, five minutes, then kill her again [...] Crowley's alive? SO MUCH YAY! And, okay, so much WTF because I don't understand HOW he's alive, but whatever, I love him, I'll take it." - WORD
verdande_mi's Review Mommy Dearest
kingwithnocrown's Fic Your Halo's Sliping Down (To Choke You) (Dean/Castiel) - "He runs a hand over his face, it's not Jimmy's anymore, and looks at himself [...]." Ow, my heart.
ronny-of_yore's Fic Let Sleeping Squirrels Lie - "You son of a bitch! You son of a bitchin' mutant squirrel! I'mma send you back to your mutant squirrel momma in a fuckin' box, you son of bitch!" XD
callistosh65's Fic In From the Cold (Dean/Sam) - D'aw!
JessicaRae24's Fanvid Here Son
mydearheart's Icons - Frontierland

Doctor Who:
crafty_tardis' Whovian graffiti
DoctorWhoTV's Pre-episode clip montage introduction from last week

theweaselking's GIF Sugar bowl of sugar gliders!

* Dean, Supernatural 6x19

fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, wildlife, tv: doctor who, fandom: icons, fandom: analysis, fandom: fanvids, tv: clips

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