I'm in space! Space. (Spaaace!)*

Apr 30, 2011 12:58

Yesterday as an exercise in futility. Mom and I had planned to go to a free film showing in Villa Borghese, but when we arrived, there was a giant crowd outside and everyone was confused. There was a tiny little sign saying that there were no more seats, which was ridiculous because we were still half an hour early and no one had gone it. (Probably what happened was that the selfish bastards who'd seen the movie showing before had just stayed in their seats for a double viewing.)

Eventually someone comes out saying that there's some seats available for the 10 pm showing (instead of the 8:30 showing we'd all arrived to see). Considering that getting home in the wee hours of the night on public transportation way out there wasn't going to be easy - and we still had two hours to kill - mom and I decided to try the French cultural centre, which was also showing a free film.

We rushed through the metro and down streets to get there and what do you know? No film was showing. Instead, there was a one-man, double bass concert. It started half an hour late and the stuff he played was alright, except for the majority of the pieces where it went crazy and "look what I can do!" like improvisational jazz (except it wasn't improvised) and I just gave up on following any sort of melody.

In other news, this weekend I'm most looking forward to seeing more of Canton on Doctor Who, which explains why I had a dream in which I asked Mark Sheppard if he was in more than two episodes in Doctor Who. (He said "yes" and I said "Yes!".) Then we saw leopards and cheetahs in the bushes at night before the local Big Man with his machetes came to force the village to play a manual-dexterity game, in which the losers lost a finger - ETA: And by "lost" I mean "had chopped off with a machete" - and then I took over the gang and set things right. My dreams, they are strange.

Links of the Day:
Mirtilla83's Richard Speight Jr. crashes Sebastian Roché and Mark Sheppard's panel
spn_deanw's Poll Would you participate in a friending meme? - Also, threads of WIN
dean_sam's flocked Official Magazine, Part 1, Part 2 ; Poll Best AU Episode?
e0wyn's Report Jus in Bello 2011 - Jensen & Misha Panel, Richard and Mark Panel - ♥, especially Misha and Jensen's first video, talking about Jared cracking them up during takes
dugindeep's Meta Anatomy of a Character: Azazel
dotfic's Meta On the show and its renewal
moonshayde's Fic The Red Room
eonism's Fic I Need a Witness to See the Mess I've Made (Dean/Castiel) - ♥
mayhsgirl93's Fic Exucse Me While I Pull the Knife Out of My Back
cece_away's Fic Don't Wanne Be Dinner
datenshiblue's Fic March 6th, 1861
catsintheattic's Fic His Favourite Color (John, Wee!Dean)
xephwrites' Fic The Truth (Or Pain-Killer Induced Ramblings) - Drugged-out Dean is ♥
electrolitestar's deancastiel-flocked Fic Sometimes There's Truth Even in a Joke (Dean/Castiel) - D'aww
nicole_sill's AU Fic Don't Fear the Reaper
insane_songbird's AU RPFic Insights
reenelysium's Fanvid Love Means I'm the Only One Who Breaks You (Sam/Dean) - Abusive relationship
hollieciccone's Fanvid Wish I Was... - D'aww, Dean!
risenshine22's Fanvid God's Gonna Cut You Down - Beat-use FTW
sassy_otp's Fanvid Are You Gonna Be My... (Sam/Castiel) - XD
taintedworks' Fanmix If You See Her, Say Hello - Girl!Dean/Boy!Lisa
xxsafixx's Fanmix Dean Winchester: The Gunslinger
ladytiferet's Fanart Hooker!Jensen - From Insights by insane_songbird
veryevilapple's Fanart Angel in a Dirty Trenchcoat
agt_spooky's "the totally awesome storyboard Supernatural director Guy Norman Bee shared with everyone on Twitter" - "It's the "High Noon" gunfight between Sheriff Dean Winchester and Finch"
rockin_graphix's Icons - Frontierland - Text icons = :D
Atomicblonde's Tumblr Misha Collins: Wanton Pon-farr Fuckery & Space Cumsluttery - Love this forever ♥

Doctor Who:
vanessa_mora's Fanvids Bring on the Wonder & A Dustland Fairytale
john_simm's Exile Interview & Shakespeare News
The Atlantic's How the (Original) Doctor Who Theme Changed Music

Human Target:
tree979's Human Target, come back! I miss you! - Why you should watch the show, or be crushed if it doesn't get renewed

Other Fandom:
seschat's embed Trailer: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2

_izi_'s Fanart - Sherlock, Supernatural, Doctor Who
isapiens' Icons - Supernatural, Being Human, The King's Speech, Misfits, Hercule Poirot, The Vampire Diaries, Charmed, In Plain Sight
Investigating Angel's Podcast Interview with Tim Minear
CliqueClack's The Cancellation: What Show Do You Want to See? - Vote for Human Target, or so help me...
Movie Firearms
10 Greatest Handguns in all of science fiction - Firefly, represent!

qthewetsprocket's How to change Livejournal's current default setting of "suspicious comment = spam = screen"
yumemisama's embed Turning a sphere inside out - SCIENCE! MATH!
cleolinda's Tornado News
Crimson Tide Production's Tornado in Tuscaloosa, April 27 - *hides*
Comic Girl Genius: Adventure, Romance, MAD SCIENCE
PhD Comics' Physicists Daniel Whiteson and Jonathan Feng talk about dark matter
Kiddon's Teaching a computer to recognize that "that's what she said" is funny (PDF)

* Portal 2

actors: misha collins, fandom: behind the scenes, fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, fandom: art, books: harry potter, tv: dollhouse, tv: human target, news, fandom: analysis, actors: jensen ackles, tv: angel, actors: john simm, my daily life, fandom: fanvids, software, tv: btvs, actors: interviews, my dreams, fandom: fanmixes, tv: doctor who, fandom: icons, tv: sherlock, tv: misfits

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