If there's light, you can just see what's coming for you a little more clearly*

Apr 06, 2011 22:43

When Google Fails Me: I'm setting up a pdf of a selection of my stories for my supervisor, and working through author's notes, adding links and so on. In one chapter of a story, I reference a metaquotes - or possibly a comment on a metaquotes, which, yay.
ultra_lilac: People should never be baked into pies, you monster! The pastry overpowers the delicate bouquet of flavours in human flesh!

Goddamnit, I can't find it on the internet to put in the url. This is driving me crazy! (Yes, I am that nitpicky.) I figured out that the quote has to be older than December 2005, but any googles give me only my own post about it. So after having skimmed through half of 2005, I'm going to start at the begininng (2002) and head on from there. I will find it even if it kills me. Grr.

Sickle's Rant: How to Feel Underappreciated with Just Two Brief Emails:

A while ago, my once-upon-a-time thesis supervisor emailed me regarding That Article. You know the one. The article that should never have been born, the one that evolved from a scrapped analysis, stamped "Unnecessary Data" and rejected from my thesis. The one he insisted I write up as a scientific note, and then insisted I work it up to a proper article. The one that got pointed and laughed at during the peer review process because, guess what, it didn't have enough data. (No shit, Sherlock.) Yeah. That article.

Anyway, he wanted to know whether I still had the excel sheet with the data. Which, no, because the data wasn't on an excel sheet per se. Rather, my addled analyses - by which I mean, I doubt even I could interpret its columns now - had been on excel, and I deleted that when I turned the article over to him. Instead, I told him that all the raw data - descriptions and ratings of individual's traits - was lovingly presented in each individual's identification sheet. Which I made.

He replied asking me whether I had ever given him the database, or whether it was in the CD I gave him.

Argh, I said. Because a) if I gave it to him, it was on the CD, and b) it was kind of a big deal. I mean, if you have a long-term project investigating the species populatin of a given area, wouldn't you a) look at and b) use the database that identified every single individual in that area, giving you information on age, markings, where and with whom it was observed, and so on? My thesis might have been interesting and had relevant results, but holy shit, y'all, in terms of usefullness to the entire project and its future field research, that database was the bloody gold mine!

And I'm not tooting my own horn here. If you're researching a given population over a number of years, the first thing you want is a record of who's who. And apparently my supervisor - head of the project - didn't even remember that he had that database. There go the chances that it was ever used by my successors in the field. Or, say, to identify whether individuals killed were ones we had observed before. You know, that kind of really important science stuff.

And then, to add instult to injury and a truckload of salt as well, I get another email a few weeks later. This time from the student who will be "rewriting" my article. Well, I say mine, but since I've handed it over to my supervisor (on account of being here and not in any position to do research), I'm now co-author. (Not that that means anything most of the time. That article already had co-authors who not at all had a direct hand in the article but rather were in some way involved in the general research project, beurocratically speaking.)

Anyway, this student refers to my previous emails to my supervisor and says that just the day before (note the time lag) he had gotten a file from my supervisor titled "X Observation Database - Dates". Now, in my email, I said that all the data required was on page n of "X Database". The student proceeds to ask whether "X Observation Database - Dates" = "X Database". Which, seriously? Can you not read? And secondly, if he'd taken the time to open the file, he could see that the observation files were in no way related to indetification sheets and in fact had no such thing as a page n for each individual. So again, an unnecesary question which could have been best addressed contacting our supervisor and saying, "Yo, these are not the droids I'm looking for," instead of myself. But no.

And it gets worse. This student is expanding my article - or apparently "rewriting" it - and needs my data not because results "were not good enough", but because he has his own hypotheses. He has to have the results in by Friday, and write to me on a Wednesday. How can you get data, analyse it and write up the results in one day?!? But, well, that's his problem.

Aside from that, how many things are wrong with this picture? Well, the shoddy sciencemanship - and I don't care that that's not a word - of it all drives me up the wall. The first thing you do if you're going to be expanding a study is go back to that study's original data. This was not done. I mean, how can he understand what the hell happened and how the analyzed data took on the shape it did and whether any of it makes sense if he doesn't look at the original data?

What this apparently means is that he's only been using his own data. Which, fine, but then where does my article enter into it? If he's just using my introduction, what the hell? And if he's using the methods, then just reference it. But if he's expanding on it, how can he compare that data to my own if he hasn't checked whether his rating method is comparable to my own? Meaning, if I give individual a rating of 5, does he also get a rating of 5 for that individual? Because if not, then the data is non-comparable and he has to rate the individuals all over again. And what about checking whether he has data for individuals both from me and from him, which means he can see whether there's been any changes in that trait over the past year. How can he base stuff on my data if he's never seen it?

And why has he never seen it? That is the biggest question. Does this mean that he's been doing field research and never once did he get my GIANT DATABASE OF HELFULNESS? The one that would let him say, "Oh hai! We've seen this individual before! And back then, he was over here, and with this other individual! Oh, the hijinks!"

And we know that database can be super useful, because other researchers in a neighbouring area sent me photos of individuals they thought were from our research area and I could say, "Hells yeah we know this one! He's always with this other one! In this area! Check it out, how far he's gone!" And you know that means a lotuse it.

ETA: And now I just got an email from the student how yesterday they got my CD of data and couldn't open it on the university computer and could I please send it to them. You can see how many times someone has used my databases right there. Oh, and no, there was no thank you to my previous email or anything like that. Of course not.

Sickle's Review of Charlaine Harris' Grave Sight (Audiobook), Chapters 1-4

I love love love it. I love that's it's a reluctant murder mystery, I love Harper and how weary she is, I love how Supernatural it feels with the two siblings on the road and living in motels between hunts jobs. And I love the reader, Alyssa Bresnahan, and the general feel of the narrator. Love.

Sickle's Review of The Land of Painted Caves, Chapter 1:

Ye gods, but even her acknowledgements are long-winded with random descriptions of caves! It doesn't start of well for me, with a huge mess of names and characters being presented with barely a nod and genealogical connection, which leaves me very lost as to who is who and how they're related. I'm going to go ahead and frown at the killing of a pride of lions.

Sickle's Review of Grey's Anatomy, "Song Beneath the Song" (7x18):

The Musical Episode. I hated it. Absolutely hated it.

Not only did they not stop playing the songs - seriously, they had two songs practically back-to-back - but they took me out of the story completely, and hey, guess what, it was a very angsty, emotional, "move out the way and let me waych, goddamnit" episode.

I did not appreciate them breaking the tone of the thing to burst into trite, overplayed moaning songs. I'm sure I would've enjoyed the musical had it not been so sorely mistimed. Imagine, for example, if the Buffy musical had been The Body, or The Gift.

When a beloved character has just gone through the mother-lovin' windshield and is possibly dying or possibly misacrrying the pregnancy that was making her so unbeleivably happy, and her erst-while lover and baby-daddy is freaking out and her current lover damn well just proposed and is freaking even more out, this is not the time to burst into song. Hell, it might not even be the time to put songs in the soundtrack.

Sickle's Review of Paranormal Activity 2:

It was not as mind-numbingly terrifying as I expected. In fact, it wasn't all that scary. There were a few instances, sure, and I was a tiny bit jumpy afterwards, but in no way did it leave as deep a mark as the first one.

I think the main fault lies in that the secret-cameras put too much distance between us and the characters. If I see what's happening to them from way on the other side of the room, I'm not in the story as much and thus don't rightly care all that much about them. And secondly, the characters didn't talk to us, or to the camera, all that much, so again we're distanced from them and don't care all too much.

The best bits are where we're right there wwith the characters, like when the mother is filming her baby and we see it - from hand-held camera angle - looking at something over her shoulder. This is scary and unnerving, much more so than the high-up-in-the-corner camera showing the whole scene. And when the daughter is filming herself because she freaked out and felt someone standing at the foot of her bed - and shows us where - that was scary. Because we were there with the characters, not voyeaurs.

Although I'll admit I loved watching the surveillance camera and just waiting for something freaking to happen, and then catching it out of the corner of my eye. Like, ladida, a sleeping baby, watch the door, where's the dog, oh shit something's grabbing the baby!. And I agree with IMDB chat folk, that giving us a reason for the haunting - and they only propose one reason, so it feels pretty definitite - takes a lot out of the "heya, I'm a demonic power, just fucking with you" feel the first one did. Aaaand seriously, demon claiming first born son? Yaaaaawn. Been there, done than, burnt the ceiling.

Meme: 30-Day Fandom vs. Personal Meme:

Day 17: Character you would never put your close friend in a room with, unless they had done something to make you really hate them.

Doctor Who's The Master, because that can never end well.
Supernatural's Alaister and Azazel, for the same reason.
Buffy and Angel's Angelus, because again, let's not kill our close friend, yes?

Day 18: Character you most think would make a great parent (father if you are female, mother if you are male).

Dharma and Greg's Dharma
Supernatural's Dean (if, you know, we get world peace and he doesn't have to hunt)
Firefly's Malclm Reynold (although I have no real idea why I think that)
Grey's Anatomy's Derek
Castle's Castle & Martha

Speaking of Grey's Anatomy, I think I forgot to mentin in one past meme-Day that I totally think Sloan must be great in bed because it's canon and yes, I totally would.

Day 19: Listen to the last ballad you remember hearing. Which character does it most remind you of?

I don't remember listening to ballads, but I guess Walking Far From Home by Iron & Wine counts. And Dean.

Day 20: Pick three favourite characters, each of them apearing currently in a different fandom. One of them has to be killed off from the current fandom you like them in, one of them has to become the star of their fandom, and the other has to be written out completely to never have appeared at all. You decide.

Supernatural's Dean
Doctor Who's The Master (Simm version)
Grey's Anatomy Christina Yang

We can kill off Dean, because like that's going to stick, give the Master his own show (yes please!), which leaves us with writing off Christina and me never having gotten into the show at all.

Day 21: Character you'd most like to be for a day.

True Blood's Sookie Stackhouse, on her day off, but only if she's living out her normal life with no crazy supernatural hijinks going on. Totally not for the mind-reading thing, but for the house thing, you understand.
Doctor Who's Doctor, because hello, TARDIS.
Sherlock's John Watson, because who wouldn't want to tag along with Sherlock?

22. Which character do you think your close friend most looks like?
23. Fandom you wish you could tear down and rebuild from the ground up (recast, change plot etc)
24. Choose your favourite kind of pet. What character most reminds you of that animal?
25. Your stranded on a desert island. Which group of friends from any fandom do you think would be the best to be stuck with?
26. If you had a serious problem, which character would you go to and tell about it?
27. Which character would you trust completely to save you from a tragic fate?
28. Character you think smells yummy, and what do they smell of?
29. One of your favourite pastimes, and which character do you think would enjoy it the most?
30. You get to either have the powers of any character from a fandom, have their looks, or have them be a real person and become your lover. Which/who do you choose?

Quote of the Day: kambriel, here
Let the things you've suffered, endured, survived show.

Links of the Day:
Sequential Tart's Meta Mannequin 3: The Reckonning
missy_useless' Fic All the Breaking and the Gluing Back (Jo/Dean/Sam) - ♥!
cherry_kiss_8's Fic Of Night and Half-Light (Dean/Bela) - ♥!
cherie_morte's Fic Only a Full House Gonna Make a Home
maerhys' Fic We Call Ourselves Paperback Jesus
etrix's Fic White Shade of Pale
samidha's Fic Yu Can Never Go Home Again
lucklessforhim's Fic Series All for Believing (Dean/Jo)
artmetica's Master Art Post for anne_higgins' Fic Supernaturally Enchanted
lolryne's Fanart Unholy Water
unborn_drunk's Fanart Looking for God
gikun's Fanart Protecting Something So Holy
august_monsoon's Fanart Smoking Dean
leyla_lovely's Fanart Feel that...? & Doodles - NSFW ; Kiss on Your Back (NSFW)
xxsafixx's Picspam On the Head of a Pin
tearaphoenix's Fanvid Something Really Good is Gonna Happen to You
dearigdaio's dean_sam-flocked Fanvid Stumbling a Little (YouTube) (In My Time of Dying)
tullywickett's Fanvid Everything You Feel (Dean/Castiel) ; Fanvid You Told Me You Loved Me (Dean/Castiel)
museoftheweird's Fanvid Strike Me Down (Dean/Castiel)
janie_tangerine's 's Fanmix Life Gave Me Up and I Have No Control(Jimmy)
exp0se's Icons
spn_ontheset's Weekend at Bobby's - I don't care about football, but...oh hai, Barça! ; It's the Great Pumpkin... - Arm porn!
Misha's Twitterpic Supernatural Season 6 Cast and Crew
Eclipse Magazine's The Anime Series

Doctor Who:
snowgrouse's Tumblr Enmity of the Ages: Team Timecock. May contain traces of timenuts. - XD ; Picspam The Discerning Viewer's Guide to The Simm Squint ; Dctor Who meets Black Swan

Human Target:
wptjeh's Support the Show & Interviews
Movie Viral's WonderCon 2011: “Human Target” Roundtable With Executive Producer Matt Miller and Stars Mark Valley, Jackie Earle Haley, & Janet Montgomery

kohler's Meta Representations of Race and Gender in Misfits on E4
Twitvid's Ben Barnes and Robert Sheehan in Killing Bono's Muic Video

Other Fandom:
ursulav's Children of the Earth Review Auel's Land of Painted Caves and a Modest Proposal
obsessive24's Angel Fanvid Falling Down
lucylou's Harry Potter Art
theweaselking's The one real time-travelling phone booth returns - Bill and Ted's excellent adventure continues. With both original cast and writers. ; I like big butts and I cannot lie, but is there some evolutionary reason as to why?
The Hobbit's March 31 Entry: Notes from Imaldris
Geek Tyrant's WonderCon 2011: Joss Whedon talks Buffy Season 9 and Angel and Faith comic books
Good Reads' Sookie Stackhouse Novels Quotes

light_ofmy_life's Icons - Merlin, Supernatural, Christmas Cottage, Titanic
joyyjpg's Icons - Being Human (US), Being Human (UK), Supernatural

cleolinda's Wicked Pretty Update #3: The Wickeding ; Why LJ was down April 5th - Linked article says, "According to the first version, the attack is aimed against Russian opposition bloggers. The other opinion is that the attack was meant to destroy LJ as the network became a platform for the Russian opposition." Seriously? "The Russian opposition"?
made_of_fail_pc's Video The Daynapocalypse
theweaselking's The End - *shudders*
qthewetsprocket's Review Frankenstein (The Play) - With Johnny Lee Miller and Benedict Cumberbatch playing the leads
emerald_embers' On David Willets' article regarding the rise of equal rights and what this means for men - "OH THOSE POOR MEN. WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE MENFOLK."
The Telegraph's Feminism has Held Back Working Men - Cry me a river.
Kevin and Ursula Eat Cheap's Episode 28, "If the house burns down, I owe you a Coke" & Episode 29, It Came From the Box
Owlceanside - LIVESTREAM of an owl nest with six fluffy chicks growing up right before your eyes!

* Charlaine Harris, From Dead to Worse

actors: misha collins, fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, fandom: art, books: harry potter, wildlife, tv: human target, tv: behind the scenes, art, fandom: picspam, actors: jackie e haley, quotes, my rants, tv: angel, human rights, fandom: fanvids, my movie reviews, tv: btvs, books: reviews, memes, actors: interviews, fandom: fanmixes, tv: doctor who, childhood staples, tv, movies

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