Watch me not care*

Apr 01, 2011 23:47

Yesterday's meet-and-greet at Organization went well, even if my brain flatlined a few times and I found myself unable to string words together without stumbling over them. Apparently talking to someone I don't know makes me forget grammar and vocabulary in any language now. The person I spoke with gave me some suggestions - basically just to email people directly involved in projects I'd be interested in, saying, "hi! I'm here! if you ever need anyone! hi!" - and will circulate my CV around.

Today there was a nation-wide transportation strike, which meant I woke up an hour early to catch the last metro and waiting outside in the cold until I could get in the office. I started writing an SPN fic while I was at it, because apparently I can't finish fics. *sigh* Then, to get home, I decided to walk the hour back instead of wait around for four hours for the metro to start up again for a brief shining moment, or try and squeeze into any available bus and take three hours to get home like last time.

The rest of the day I spent working on a variety of fannish projects and watching Dharma and Greg. I was going to watch Paranormal Activity 2 tonight, but I figure it's a touch too late for that now.

In other news, my right eyelid's been twitching on and off for the whole day now, and it's really annoying. The Internet says I probably need more sleep, less caffeine, or less stress, to which I say, fat chance.

Picspam: Misfits' Iwan Rheon guest starring in Grandma's House, and Simon Amstell crushing on him adorably:

ETA: Only now do I realize how miserably small a width of 600 pixels gives me. Sorry about that. I'm fully prepared to re-screencap any given shot in normal not-ridiculously-small size if anyone wants it. *sigh* This means a lot of my 70 caps for Friday 13th are similarly ridiculously small. Eh, fuck fixing that.

ETA 2: A 70% height and width seems to work, giving me the original size-ish. Yays?

Meme: 30-Day Fandom vs. Personal Meme:

Day 13: Form of transportation from a fandom that you wish you had yourself.

Doctor Who's The TARDIS. Duh.

Day 14: Fandom home you wish you lived in yourself.

Either True Blood's Sookie's house, of which I made an oh sweet gods I want this house picspam here, or Harry Potter's Weasley's The Burrow. Although I doubt I'd be able to live in Bons Temps, all Bible-belt and that kind of American town.

Day 15: Fandom location you’d most like to visit, even though you couldn’t meet the characters.

The entirety of my childhood demands I answer with The Chronicles of Narnia's Narnia (talking animals! mythical creatures!), although Harry Potter's Wizarding World takes a good second place.

Day 16: Character you’d most like to steal underwear from.

That's going to have to be Secret Diary of a Call Girl's "Belle", who I'm sure has fantastic (and brand-new) underwear. Because what would I do with someone's used underware? Ew, no.

17. Character you would never put your close friend in a room with, unless they had done something to make you really hate them.
18. Character you most think would make a great parent (father if you are female, mother if you are male).
19. Listen to the last ballad you remember hearing. Which character does it most remind you of?
20. Pick three favourite characters, each of them spearing currently in a different fandom. One of them has to be killed off from the current fandom you like them in, one of them has to become the star of their fandom, and the other has to be written out completely to never have appeared at all. You decide.
21. Character you’d most like to be for a day.
22. Which character do you think your close friend most looks like?
23. Fandom you wish you could tear down and rebuild from the ground up (recast, change plot etc)
24. Choose your favourite kind of pet. What character most reminds you of that animal?
25. Your stranded on a desert island. Which group of friends from any fandom do you think would be the best to be stuck with?
26. If you had a serious problem, which character would you go to and tell about it?
27. Which character would you trust completely to save you from a tragic fate?
28. Character you think smells yummy, and what do they smell of?
29. One of your favourite pastimes, and which character do you think would enjoy it the most?
30. You get to either have the powers of any character from a fandom, have their looks, or have them be a real person and become your lover. Which/who do you choose?

Quote of the Day: Unnamed Professor of Pharmacology, here
In the early 1900s, Bayer, the same company that makes your aspirin, advertised diacetylmorphine as the first non-addictive form of morphine. Today, we call it heroin.

Links of the Day:
agent_jl36's Meta SPN Symbols: The Pentagram, Part 1, Part 2
jessm78's Meta Sam's Hair, Part 4
Sequential Tart's Review Unforgiven
fandomsecrets' Dean/Castiel Recs Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
fandomsecrets' Discussion On Dean/Castiel and Sam's place & On John, Mary and where they are now
dean_sam's flocked New plan of action ; Supernaturalwiki's Latest Updates & Vote for the Wiki ; Fanart Scene from In My Time of Dying ; On the Anime, Episodes 7-12 ; Behind the Shoot: Misha
agt_spooky's Behind the Scenes: Photoshoot
luchia13's Fic Something Primeval - Deinonychus!Castiel. That is all the awesome you need to know. That, and OMG THIS FIC IS SO AMAZING AND HILARIOUS AND GEEKTASTIC. Also, this is the summary: "Castiel turns himself into a dinosaur to save the Winchesters from an escaped zoo of demonic animals and save a seal (66, not an animal) in the process. And then things get weird."
gaelicspirit's Fic On the Surface
jamie_love13's Fic When Sam Was Young
leonidaslion's Fic Fumbling in the Dark: Pale (Changing Channels)
e0wyn's Picspam Banners, Season 1: One Cap, One Quote
rivercritter's Fanart Untitled - NSFW
ldhenson's Fanart Glass Text Pendants
gikun's Fanart Work in Progress Screencap - 0.0
august_monsoon's Fanart Deanna Winchester - ♥
cafe_de_labeill's Fanart Credit Where Credit is Due - :D ; Heaven
orukaz's Fanart Red Glow - NSFW - I'd love to know the story of how they got there.
daggomus_prime's Fanart Dean/Castiel - Ngh...
artmetica's Fanart Ever After: Sky High
kleinmeli's Fanart Art Nouveau(ish)
asgaja's Fanmix No Way Out (Bela)
eternallydzzled's Fanmix They Were Kids That I Once Knew (Sam, Dean)
greyowl88's Fanvid Moods - Stills used only, but still moving.
candylovinangel's Fanvid I can Do Anything I Want
ash48's Fanvid Mr Sandman (Bobby)
mydearheart's Icons - The French Mistake
straspberry's Icons - In My Time of Dying
Hasitall's GIFs 1x15 - Dean Smiling & Hurt Dean

UGO's 50 Unanswered Questions that Keep Us Up All Night

Doctor Who:
qthewetsprocket's embed Season Trailer - Alskjsldkfjlsdkf!!! Eeeeee!
10littlebullets's Cosplay Costume Weeping Angel - *blinks*

redscharlach's Fanart A Study in Typos, 2
sadynax's Fanart Babysitters ; Baby Art and MiniComic ; Holmes Art & Sherlock Baby Comic ; Random ; Comic "Karaoke Night" and Random ; Random
ldhenson's Fanart Glass Text Pendants

misfitse4's Season 3 Spoilers: The Writer Speaks

Other Fandom:
qthewetsprocket's Reviews Being Human - Makes me really really want to watch the show
Greyviolett's Firefly Fanart River
The Daily Show's Twitter BronxZoosCobra - *sporfle*
Comedy Central's John Oliver Videos

chaosvizier's Movie Reviews

crevette's Story of Mr "Red Strap" Manbeast & Letters to Uterus
yumemisama's On Martin Freeman
theweaselking's GIF I want one - DBFletcher's tables of win
extemporanea's embed Sword fight with a shadow
mediocrechick's Fanmix Top Ten Songs at the Moment
Los Alamos' AIDS Vaccine in Final Testing
Hip Girlie's Do-It-Yourself iPod MP3 Case
Neil Gaiman's Being Alive. Mostly About Diana - The late Diana Wynne Jones, that is.
Chuck Lorre's Vanity Cards
Machine of Death's Get your own Death Prediction Card!
Rain Mood - Rain sounds! \o/
Fundistraction's Flip flops that don't flip or flop - Ah! Stick-on soles!
Hotironvideos' "Impossible" Nail Through Wood Traick
NY Times' Trying to Get Beyond the Role of the Maid; Hispanic Actors Are Seen as Underrepresented, With the Exception of One Part

* Common expression

actors: misha collins, my jobhunt, tv: daily_s/colbert_r, fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, fandom: art, books: harry potter, wildlife, tv: behind the scenes, news, fandom: analysis, fandom: picspam, tv: trailers, movies: reviews, my daily life, fandom: fanvids, actors, tv: true blood, fandom: fanmixes, tv: doctor who, authors: neil gaiman, childhood staples, tv, fandom: icons, tv: sherlock, tv: misfits, tv: lost, health, fandom: comics, tv: firefly/serenity

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