Then you get no details.*

Dec 02, 2010 22:12

Sickle Shows Signs of Life, Fails Miserably:

  • I'm on Chapter 7 of 13 in the editing of Nanowrimo 2010. It's actually better than my sleep-deprived memories insisted it was, and there's some elements that keep popping up that give it the illusion of a theme. I'm going to give TfSB an edit as well sometime soon, because a) it's embarrassingly full of typos and b) I want my volunteer internship supervisor to read it first before handing over TWSaM. (I've talked about the book with her a lot, and she's been really supportive and interested in it, and would like to read it, so yays!)
  • Watched L'Herrisson yesterday, a French film about a very intelligent little girl bent on committing suicide on her twelfth birthday, the consierge, a quite woman with hidden depths, and the new Japanese neighbour who courts her. It was wonderful and beautiful, even if the ending made me wail against the world.
  • On Tuesday, the students of Rome - and the whole country - went out in a manifestation which blocked the whole of downtown and the metro. This resulted in my first staring at the closed metro station displaying schopero, then taking bus one so I could connect to bus two, except bus one never went to where it was supposed to connect because the whole center was blocked so I ended up taking a really long tour around downtown, across the river, through a couple tunnels, until I finally managed to get off somewhere near the Vatican and Castel Sant Angelo. I walked to where I was supposed to find bus two, but that was closed to traffic, pretty much, so I ended up walking all the way home in the rain. I got home 3:15 hours after I was supposed to, and most of that was walking. I was displeased.
  • I've been scanning documents like mad these past few days, which while boring and on-my-feet work, it has allowed me to catch up on audiobooks and podcasts. I should probably write this is my profile, but I have mad love for Winchester Radio and Monster Talk (science!) and am currently listening to The Vesuvius Club as recommended by qthewetsprocket
  • About a month ago I had a meet-and-greet with someone from Organization, where I basically handed over my CV and met the interns, whom I had lunch with at the cafeteria. I also got chatted up by the security guard during the half hour I was waiting to be let into the Organization (crazy security measures of crazy) and he gave me his number, but I've let that slide. I've been meaning to write about that for ages, so here it is.
  • I'm going to Chicago on Sunday - my brother's not coming for Christmas, so I'm the official family representative. I'll be back the 17th and katarinagram's coming the 21st for the holidays, so there is much squee.

Links of the Day:
bardicvoice's Review Clap Your Hands if You Believe...
yaya_wr8t3r's Review Clap Your Hands if You Believe...
emerald_embers' Review and Meta Supernatural is the Best, or "OMG GUYS WATCH THE SHOW/KEEP WATCHING THE SHOW IT'S AWESOME" ; Picspam Review Season 4 ; Picspam Review On the Head of a Pin ; Picspam Castiel is a Goddamn Babe
spn_deanw's Poll Ultimate Match for Kiss, Marry or Cliff
dugindeep's Meta Jared/Sam does not know how to dress himself
leonidaslion's Fic Fumbling in the Dark Careless (Time is on My Side), Heat (No Rest for the Wicket), Anchor (Lazarus Rising)
lightthesparks' Fic Voodoo Blues
obscuredmemory's Fic How Dean WInchester Finally Got a Clue
shannon_doll's Fic Non Compos Mentis
highermagic's Fic It's a Big Brother Things
wine_into_water's Fic I Hate the Way You Break Me
lady_fetish's dean_sam-flocked The Haunting of Burberry Harbor Inn
sansday's Fic Offspring of Silence
skullage's Fic Where Are We Going, And Why Are We In This Handbasket?
scarlet_web's Fic It's in the Blood
spiceblueeues' Fic Yellow Eyes Stole My Soul and jenilees' Accompanying Art
angelshandprint's Fic with Pics The Prince and the Lonely Planet
lovesrain44's Fic The Things We Carry With Us (and Author's Notes) and chemm80's Podfic, Audiobook - ♥
crazyace86's Fanmix My Days, They are the Highway Kind (Dean)
deny1984's Fanmix Broken Pieces (Dean)
telemetries' Fanmix ...Until I Lost My Name (Sam)
hotforangels' Fanvid So Much for Pretending
angelshandprint's Fanvid Frozen
bevwa's Fanvid These Unlucky Stars
secretlytodream's Fanvid The Safest Place
kaiyote's Fanvid Darker Days - Love the song choice
TheBurningWolf's Castiel and his Creepy Eyesexing
BurntOutYesterdays' Fanvid Castiel: Mr Comatose - :D
pandabee's Icons
savedean's Icons
kros_21's Icons
nany_dean's Wallpapers
lere8's Picspam
jojothecr's Fanart 2011 Calendar
aic67's dean_sam-flocked Brothers Grimm Crossover Wallpaper Manip
cakeholes' Wallpapers
crystalchain's scans SPN Magazine #1 - Angelic Acts - On Misha Collin's Charity
romancito's GIFs
lotroth's GIFs 1x04 - Dean Smiling, Impala
dean_sam's flocked the End Commentary ; Coventionn GIFs - Jensen and Jared shove Misha
Misha Collin's Advice on Essay Writing - :D

Doctor Who:
obsessive24's Torchwood Fanvid High and Dry

True Blood:
Ieet's True Blood Season 3 and Morphological Freedom

Other Fandom:
twirlynoodle - Fanart of awesome
emerald_embers' Picspam Two Really Good Reasons To Watch Legion - "Recipe for Legion; take one zombie movie, replace zombies with angels, add gay sprinkles. DELICIOUS"
redscharlach's Merlin Review The Coming of Arthur, Part 1
hesychasm's Review and Meta Inception
glvalentine's Review We Need to Talk: Catwoman, Or, How Catwoman Ruins Lives (well, mine). - With Legion commentary as well!
mad_bertha's embed Boardwalk Empire Opening Credits
greygirlbeast's embed Trailer: The Tempest
0ElaEnchanted0's Sarah Connor Chronicles/Firefly Crossover Fanvid Wherever You Will Go

emerald_embers' Top Fives ; Picspam Man, Hot Things Are Awesome To Look At Part One: Real Men!, Man, Hot Things Are Awesome To Look At Part Two: Real Ladies!
kroki_refur's Miscellaneous Fandom Geekage
cleolinda's a chronological refresher course of The History of Nineteenth-Century Vampire Literature - ♥
vargeszgraphics' Icons - BtVS, Private Practice, Supernatural, Smallville, Tangled, Breaking Dawn
Mean Streets' The Art of the Title Sequence

beatonna - Comics of win
emerald_embers' Body Image Post - ♥
ursulav's Awkward Archipelago 2
obsessive24's embed Denis Dutton: A Darwinian Theory of Beauty
alchemist's Thanksgiving Recipes
qthewetsprocket's Rec The Absolute True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie
ontd_political's Hobbit hopeful pulled up short over skin colour ; Confessions of a young anti-feminist - May physically hurt to read, or result in your hurting something at least.
TheAbyssGazes' Teal and Orange: Hollywood, Please Stop This Madness
Edward Monkton's Website - Comics and doodles of win
Jezebel Magazine's FAIL and RESPONSE OF FAIL - "This was posted because while it's indeed bullshit, it was bullshit that was written with a degree of thought and articulation that, even for its many failings, was earnest." *incoherent mad raging*
Rachel Duke's Ways I Fall Asleep
Robert J. Lang's Origami - 0.0
Hugo Schwyzer's Not just consent but enthusiasm: some notes on college sex workshops and stoplights ; Rape, Enthusiastic Consent, and the Stoplight Problem
Jaded Hippy's Enthusiastic Consent Could Change Our Rape Culture
Goodnightlittlespoon's Cosmic Love - Random adorable things
Kevin and Ursula Eat Cheap's Episode 12 - Roving Bands of Naked Itinerant Irish
Steves Highes' The "straightness" of gay men, and the "gayness" of straight men
Snow&Voices' Album Anything That Moves - Listen online!
Murverse' Marco and the Red Granny - Audio podcast book thing

* Grey's Anatomy

actors: misha collins, books: audio, travel, fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, fandom: art, art, fandom: analysis, fandom: picspam, movies: reviews, tv: tscc, lj users: ursulav, human rights, my daily life, fandom: fanvids, tv: btvs, family, tv: true blood, books: excerpts, fandom: fanmixes, tv: doctor who, nanowrimo, fandom: scans, movies, fandom: crossover, fandom: icons, monsters: vampires, movies: trailers, sexuality, music, tv: firefly/serenity

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