Fuck it all to hell.*

Jul 07, 2010 18:25

Instead of telling y'all how miserable I am and how shitty things are and I'm resolutely not crying all the time and how I've been rejected for two more jobs and how I haven't sent out any applications lately and how I've started watching Grey's Anatomy again and it's making me miserable in that I'm insanely sad and jealous of these people with lives and careers and purpose and studies and friends and good things and how, for example, my mother hasn't yet read my story although she scrolled down to read the comments and she doesn't understand that my showing her the story is a very big thing for me and it would be most welcome if she showed some fucking interest and that yes, people occasionally have to ask other people if they want to know how that person is, not sit down and shut up and expect that person to tell you everything you want to know without your showing any sort of interest and that the correct response to, "Look, Ma, I made a CV geared for translation jobs!" should at some point include something along the lines of, "That's nice, good job, looks good," or a variation thereof.

Yes. So instead of that, have some fanmixes. The first and last show how I've been feeling lately, which is just fantastic, right?

General - Leaving Home - Hit The Road Running

Subject: Leaving home
Title: Hit The Road Running
Notes: 11 tracks (39 minutes) in mp3 format with cover art.

( Back Cover, Track List and Download Link )

General - Leaving Home With Your Partner - Hit The Road Running (Together)

Subject: Leaving home with your partner
Title: Hit The Road Running (Together)
Notes: 11 tracks (41 minutes) in mp3 format with cover art.

( Back Cover, Track List and Download Link )

General - Death - The Undiscovered Country

Subject: Death
Title: The Undiscovered Country
Notes: 12 tracks (47.5 minutes) in mp3 format with cover art.

( Back Cover, Track List and Download Link )

Small Hands' How i prepared to relocate and made it work
Job search: Australia
OCDE's Job Listing, Internships, Application Process

Links of the Day:
tinalia's AU RPFic And Heartbreak Ensues
subarashiine's Supernatural Complete Music Collection, All Seasons
ldyghst_music's Fanmix With Strings: Or How Sam Got Dean To Listen To Clissical Music..Sort Of
kahesha's Fanvid The Devil Went Down To Georgia
geckoholic's Picspam TV Topes: Pandering to the Base
lizard_lair's Picspam Compare and Contrast: Getting A Winchester Laid

True Blood:
darlingbones' Picspam 3x02 - Beautifully Broken
trueblood_lj's flocked Mythological Creatures - Interviews (Source Video 1, Source Video 2)

Doctor Who:
irishlullaby's embed Ctrl+Alt+Del's Americanized - Fake Americanized-Doctor Who movie poster. "The Doctor is out...for justice."
thelemic's Fanvid This Is Not the End

cleolinda's Twilight Meta On chivalry, sex, the female gaze and sparkly vampires
Charlie Reads Twilight: Chatper 16 - "He's a vampire and she's crazy, so it makes sense.
Alex Reads Twilight: Chapter 17-18 - "So she's used her brain for the first time on page 335."

Other Fandom:
lizard_lair's Torchwood Picspam 5 Reasons To Watch And Love Torchwood
cryptic_arcane's reposting Rachel Axler - former The Daily Show - response to The Daily Show's Female Employees Speak Out
doom_cheesepuff's Dollhouse Icons

lizard_lair's Picspams
ironb0x's Icons - Supernatural, Lost
radiocakes' Icons - BtVS, Angel, Dollhouse ; Icons - Dollhouse, Angel

qwenvspie's The "I Hate Statistics and Am Totally Slacking" Pie
rex_dart's Photos London Pride Parade
hesychasm's Discussion The tone argument, privilege, assumptions of categories, the assumed lines for particular categories and people who don't toe them, and how slippery it all gets when you're talking to pseudonymous and anonymous people on the Internet.
lienne's My Understanding of ADD (Secondhand), Depression (Firsthand), and Humour (Poop Is Funny Guys) - Now with thoughtpodes! Cuter than the Dodos of Depression by far!
sweethomechcago's Photos: San Diego - July 4, 2010
wtf_nature's Azhdarchids: Giant Ptesosaurs
Podcast Monstertalk - Apocalypse Now's Jacob, is that you?
Preventing Homosexuality (and Uppity Women) in the Womb?
Echo Bazaar - "The Escapist Magazine's Best Browser Game of 2009!"
Kaigou's Dear Ms. Lindholm: your ignorance is showing, and you need to shut up now. - Reply to This Is Your Brain On Drugs
Hyperboleandahalf's I am NOT a Drug Addict So Stop Thinking That if You Were and Don't Start Thinking it if You Weren't Already, Okay? Also, This Post Kind of Starts Out Lame and Then Picks Up Steam, so Keep Reading ; Hi. I'm Energetic Today!!!

* Common expression

travel, my jobhunt, tv: daily_s/colbert_r, fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, fandom: art, tv: dollhouse, wildlife, tv: behind the scenes, fandom: analysis, fandom: picspam, tv: angel, human rights, my daily life, my fanmixes, fandom: fanvids, tv: btvs, family, books: reviews, tv: torchwood, actors: interviews, tv: true blood, photographs, fandom: fanmixes, tv: doctor who, health, tv: lost

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