Talk about shrinking the salamander.*

Jul 13, 2010 18:49

Sickle's "Oh god oh god I've haven't written anything in ages!" Points:

- Watched Daybreakers. It has a gorgeous opening, silently showing the world (which is wonderful - I am in love with the 'verse). The beginning of the story is okay as well, but then it goes to hell in a handbasket towards the end because it keeps making these massive leaps over issues and plot points and things. Make sense, damnit! If he was horribly betrayed by Person, then by gods, show the animosity! How the hell does the blood-cure work? What the fuck is going on?

- Went to Assissi, which is where St. Francis of Asis hung out. Couldn't take photos of the inside of the churche and relics and stuff (prohibited), but it was nice nonetheless. As for outside photos, well, y'all know I shouldn't romise things like that.

- Being resolutely Not Spoken To by Dad. Which is really basically status quo except I'm now being deliberatly ignored rather than casually. I'm miffed but otherwise all "Fuck that shit!" about it.

- Had massive breakdown on Wednesday, requiring a sitting spell on the balcony whilst repeating positive mantras of the "I sucketh not" variety. Conclusion: 1) Things will get better, 2) I am a good person and 3) I am worth it.

- Sent out a few applications to translation places. Haven't done so recently because oh my god the heat! and because I haven't really been home lately.

- Oh my god the heat! It was 32.5 degrees one night! NIGHT!

- I don't care about football but it tickles me that my country is Champion of Europe and Champion of the World.

- Been listening to Monster Talk podcast, which is basically just "Science!" with interviews, including neurologists and geneticists. Oh, how I have missed hearing words like "phenotype" and "genotype".

- I've started reading Twice Bitten by Chloe Neill (because Katarina spoils me silly by feeding the Merit-addiction - which is all her fault to start with). Through the end of Chapter 7 I was just screaming, "Kiss already!"

Sickle's Dreams, Because It's Easier To Remember Them When You Sleep In Fits and Starts Thanks To The Heat:

- A woman in a hospital in India has a massive infection on her right thigh, so we saw the infected stump of her leg off like we're slicing bread. [I had an infection in my leg - a boil! how medieval! - and it's better although not-quite-gone and it's been near to two months now, which is annoying.]

- Walking at a fair with children. Eat cotton candy. Babysit. There is a monster and a monster's son duo (half-human) upstairs.

- I am part of a baboon troop in a large village or barracks. We are hunted down and gunned down, run and hide in open doors.

- There is a zombie in the house. [This would make a great title or opening sentence or lyric or something.]

- I'm taking photos of a moose and horse running in the snow far off.

- Dean Winchester of Supernatural has been caught and I'm sponging him down carefully so he can be eaten.

- I'm horse-riding. [I miss it.]

- A girl is annoying me. I try to play the piano - have to, in fact, because I'm on stage ta a cncert - but I don't know how and I can't leave so I just bang away or pretend to touch the keys. [I used to play as a pre- and wee-teen and miss it a lot.]

- I;m taking a tourist trup with a lot of people. We're sitting in a house, then it's a boat, then it gets on the road because it's multi-terrain and we're going down the street. A wild boar attacks and there are dogs, so I run to a treehouse, helping mom up after me. People walk past a window in a line as if on parade for me, or saing goodbye, and that includes three versions of Benjamin Linus of Lost, or makybe it's Michael Emerson. I'm sitting outside in a field in Kenya and people from a village come and give me gifts and babies to kiss and show me appreciation and love. [I'll admit to being jelous that Anthropologist Friend's research made it so that she interacted with people and they liked her and thought she was awesome and appreciated her work. She got a lion named after her! a lion! I was the lion researcher! I mean, I worked my ass off too but no one ever ave two shits apart from, "So, how many?"] Ex's mom (although it's not her) is there. I'm leaving in a car and see lions in the bush easily and recognize some and am very happy about it, [See? I enjoyed the research.] then I reach a roundabout and one lion's favorite bush is now smack on the edge of the roundabout and he's very confused. [Conservation and the preservation of the environment, yo.]

- I'm a robot in charge of putting a whole planet in stasis and the whole populaton on lock-down for millions of years [Doctor Who's lizard-folk, is that you? Or Wall-E, or even Portal?]. I'm alone and it's horrible. In one version, Darth Vder kills everyone on the planet.

- At a boarding school, I am terrified of a ghost, whether or not it is real (in that I can say, "Yes, it is not real, but I'm still scared of it.") The number 411 enters into it, which I came about through some crazy addition, and it's the ghost's number or something like.

- Tim Roth's Lie To Me character is snuggling me. [Stop right here and it's still the best dream ever.]

- In a jungle with a man, soldier-children and a woman with blue-and-red highlights in her hair.

- I'm preparing for a fairy battle in a stinky cowshed. [Sookie Stackhouse anyone?]

- A Japanese girl with a cut on her face and an austronaut are in an airplane during a big storm.

- At the pool there is a white shark with a seal. A girl tells a boy he's an idiot for ignoring her, presumably referring to her telling him there is a hole in the underwater wall so they can escape. Boy escapes but the seal gets caught in the great white's hands and its skull is slowly crushed. It's not dead, so I take it and ask Cuddy of House where the operating room is.

- I'm taking the train in the countryside. It stops at a crossroad with nothing for miles and announces it is not the right train (it's going the other way). [I have taken the metro in the wrong direction out of sheer exhaustion.] I go to a little train stop which is at tree-top level but still on the ground, then I down some stairs to the ground level at the bottom of the trees and wait fo rht ebus. A ghost story is told [Thanks, "Monster Talk" podcast.] about how if a ghost sees you, it can be driven away. My son sees the ghost and a girl-child ghost. It says it plays the piano and the boy frowns, not remembering he used to play the piano too. We are there a long time and the girl-ghost sits by me and asks me to tell her what she looks like as she slowly becomes visible.

- Sitting in a cloak room, I go to the bathroom. In another room onthe couch with people, I notice I've wet my pants. I go to change, taking a phot of me and a professor being all happy. In the bathroom, the stalls are empty and lead to a hall thrhough which people come in. On the top, like a bunkbed suspended, is an area full of stuffed animals.

Sickle's "Let's Write Down Grey's Anatomy Quotes!":

- Anything he wants: he wants steak, kill a cow.

- I can't do everything and still have everything so I have to let some pieces go.

- You're a fighter, Stevens. What happened?
I lost a lot of fights.

- I was his hand, and now I'm a ghost.

- You're in a lion fight, Stevens. Just because you didn't win doesn't mean you don't know how to roar.

- The snow! It's so pretty, like a fairy tale!
It's the fall. Its not so much a fairy tale.'s global warming. That's the apocalypse.

- You think that you'll always feel that kind of love and...and I do, I do love Paul. I just...
Just what?
Well, like pieces of you get chipped away by another person and you shove little pieces of yourself away so that you fit toether and one day you look up and you don't even know who you are.

- Mistakes are how you learn.

- Reality: it's so much more interesting than happily ever after.

- Don't hate me, I can help you.

Meme: Who Do You Write Like?

The Last Wild Angel:

I write like
Margaret Atwood
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Time For Something Biblical (Excerpt):

I write like
James Joyce
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

A Tricky Business (Chapter 7):

I write like
Vladimir Nabokov
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Degrees of Freedom (Chapter 3): Who the hell?

I write like
Harry Harrison
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Heroes Manual (Chapter 23): Again, who?

I write like
Kurt Vonnegut
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Servants of the Dark ("The Pact"): Is this good?

I write like
Ian Fleming
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Quotes of the Day: Kelly Link, Zombie Contingency Plan
Art is for peple who aren't worried about zombies.

Hyperbole and a Half (here
What the hell kind of medical school did you go to?? They didn't even prepare you for a zombie massacre??

readingthedark, here
(I have a new theory: people save lives all the time and just don't realize it. The downside is that lots of people also commit brutal murders without even noticing.)

Links of the Day:
wishflthinker's Meta Top 10 Brotherly Moments
secondplatypus' Fic I Think I KNow Enough of Hate (3/5) (Sam/Lucifer)
candesgirl's Fic I Swallowed Hard, Like I Understood
gointorosedale's Fic Three Things The Winchesters Know
leonidaslion's Beserker!Verse Fic Cemetery
amor_remanet's Fic The Violence Caused Such Silence (Dean/Alastair, Dean/Castiel)
blue_fjords' RPFic The Princes of Seagul Beach (Jesnse/Misha)
t_fic's Fic One Impossible Thing Before Beakfast (Dean/Lisa)
angelshandprint's Fic Too Broken To Be Forgotten (Michael/Lucifer)
zannes' True Blood Crossover Fic Jealousy / Parent Not Home
iwantpie's Fic Relearning How To Breathe ; Icons
callistosh65's RPFic In Sicknes and in Health
deny1984's Picspam I Know What You Did Last Summer
supernova_waste's Fanmix Dust in the Wind
lizard_lair's Fanmix Tiny Little Fractures (Season 4)
vengefuldemon69's Fanmix The End is Just the Beginning - An SPN Season 5 Fanmix
nrrrdy_grrrl's Fanart Furher - "Blessed are..."
kellygirl2002's Fanvid Flay You Alive ; Crack Times Infinity, Part 1 and 2
tearaphoenix's Fanvid Hound Hunting
littleslasher09's Fanvid Sam Winchester has officially gone insane!
klost004's Fanvid Made For This
secretlytodream's Fanvid How Low
mata090680's Icons
jameserin's Icons
the_fmly_bzns's dean_sam-flocked NJ Con Report
deadflowers5's Rising Con Videos Misha ; Jim
Season 5 DVD Special: Kripke, Sera and R. Singer ; Season 5 DVD Special: Eric Kripke & Revelation
Misha's twipic with baby - ♥
Jared Padalecki's Statement for A Dog's Life Rescue
Red Hood Clip With Jensen Ackles
spellbounder's Con Report: Naked Twister with Jensen, Jared & Misha - ♥
Fandomania's Supernatural Anime Coming in 2011

Doctor Who:
doctorwho's Discussion Sexism of Amy Pond
mellaithwen's Fic The Best Soy-Latte That You Ever Had (And Me) (Tenn II/Rose)
oddood's Picspam David Tennant
faery_fall's One Poll To Rule Them All - Comprehensive Poll on Life/Dislike of New Who Episodes
fallen_iceangel's Supernatural/Doctor Who Fanvidlet Whatever holds the images of an angel
big_n_happy's Fanvid World Town
dubdobdee's embed PennyrRed's Dalek "We Were In Your Home Today!" Notice

True Blood:
ack_attack's Review
trueblood_lj's flocked Episode Discussion ; 3x04 Preview ; Marshall Allman Interview ; Lindsay Pulsipher Interview ; Brit Morgan Interview ; Jessica's New Blog Entry ; Previews

cloudytea's Fanmix Maybe Next Time I'll Give Judas A Try

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (With Cats)
Twilight Spoof Vampires Suck Trailer

Other Fandom:
capn_mactastic's Heroes Fics Snow and Candles
jenni_the_odd's My Thoughts on Glee
verbal_judo's John Simm Icons
cleolinda and her mother Review Avatar: The Last Airbender
walksbyherself's Sherlock Holmes Fic Master Post A Better Way To Fall
killerweasel's Screencaps Jeffrey Dean Morgan in Six: The Mark Unleashed
Geeks of Doom's Is This What Joss Whedon's Wonder Woman Would Have Looked Like?
IO9's The Credits Sequence Firefly Deserved

mumy_daydream's Icons - Supernatural, Glee
mediocrechick's Icons - True Blood, Harry Potter, Eclipse, Random
electrical_s' Icons - 30 Seconds to Mars, Doctor Who, Eat Pray Love, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Fringe, Gossip Girl, Harry Potter, Leverage, Lost, Merlin, Pirates of the Caribbean, Rango, Supernatural, The It Crowd, The Tudors, The Vampire Diaries
makarosh's Icons - Sipernatural, Ten Inch Hero
deny1984's Screencaps The Losers featuring Jeffrey Dean Morgan
fandomsecrets' Credible female character =/= Kick-ass-only discussion
Why strong female characters are bad for women

emigree's Public service announcement - Avoid fort_kanji like the plague. "He has a history of enabling, cyber stalking, and harassing younger women."
mediocrechick's Andy Rehfelt music - this dude Andy Rehfeldt remixes popular songs, using the singer's original vocals but making his own totally different musical backgrounds. He took Taylor Swift's 'You Belong to Me', used her vocals but made the country song into a metal song. For me personally, the best one he did is Slipknot's 'Wait and Bleed'...he made into a Radio Disney song. Fucking hilarious.
watching_ghosts' Original Fic Slow Dancing In A Burning Room (1/3)
sunlitdays' Banners, Friends Only and Wallpaper
greygirlbeast's Report Readercon 21
chaosvizier's flocked Take that, coworkers!
oakenguy's flocked Italy does pointistically, Part 2
domynoe's Editors, writers and publishers on LJ white list - Thank you marika_kailaya!
greygirlbeast's embed Gorillaz: Journey to Plastic Beach
rex_dart's Photo Millenium Bridge
redscharlach's I devoured where others merely nibbled - (Cup)cake poll
morbid_curious' embed Chimamanda Adichie: The Danger of a Single Story - An interesting talk if you have 20 minutes, especially if you're interested in writing, storytelling, culture and identity.
phantmgreeneyes' Review Goone (YA Novel) - *coverts*
marika_kailaya's The Care and Feeding Of Me
i_calql8's ljdq Statistics
Hyperbole and a Half's Store of Incredible Awesomeness
The Oatmeal's Comics - How everything goes to hell during a zombie apocalypse
Trueslant's The life and times of Allie Brosh: Hyperbole and a Half
The Gloss' Allie Brosh presents: The grissly bear's guide to flattering fashion
Encyclopedia Mythica
Angels and Ghosts
Angel Guide

* Grey's Anatomy

actors: david tennant, tv: supernatural, fandom: art, tv: heroes, fandom: analysis, actors: jensen ackles, actors: john simm, books: reviews, books, actors: interviews, my dreams, things: coveted, fandom: fanmixes, tv: firefly/serenity, actors: misha collins, fandom: fic, books: harry potter, movies: reviews, fandom: picspam, fandom: fanvids, my daily life, music: vids, actors, memes, tv: true blood, tv: doctor who, fandom: icons, monsters: zombies, monsters: vampires, tv: lost, music, movies: screencaps

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