They say the heat and the flies here can drive a man insane.*

Jul 04, 2010 23:06

But you don't have to believe that, and nor does that bright mauve elephant that just cycled past.*

Still not dead, although melting in European Heatwave From Hell.

Went to Bomarzo's Park of Monsters. May even eventually post photos. Wish to note, however, that "Door to Hell" sculpture is actually called "Orco" (i.e. Ogre), which diminishes it somewhat, and that the lobsided house is really really disorienting to be inside.

Got reply to application from French Company (who wanted both application and job start asap), asking when, hypotheitically, I would be available, so that they can factor this is during their evaluation as they're just starting picking through CVs. Dudes, I live in Rome. You're in France. I need time. I suppose the standard "displacing for a job across countries" time. This is obvious. Also obvious? Y'all don't have time. Also got rejection letter in the post from an Environmental Research Place. Helping the environment: you're doing it wrong.

Sorry for the lack of grammar. Heat is hot, laptop is hothothot, translation breaks brains, Sickle is generally worried (sometimes upset), so this results in lack of postage and verbage.

Also, no progress on Story application or the writting of the Crack. Fail and woe! On the plus side, I've gotten three fanmixes almost completely done and I'm working on another one (Globo Sapiens, see tag). Finally.

Translator's Cafe: Should I become a translator? ; Presentation
Bowne Global: The English language as a global force
B2B Marketin: Crushing the mushroom: Why translation should be "reassuringly expensive"
Yu-Jian-Yo Language Services: Translator CV Template

Links of the Day:
gwaevalarin's Meta Castiel-Centered Season 4 Review
leonidaslion's Beserker!Verse Fic Fear ; Fumbling In The Dark: Handcuff (Simon Says)
i_o_r_h_a_e_l's Fic The Bus
hils' Misha Collins Comment Fic Meme
bad_faith's Fanvid Destiny Can't Be Changed
almostgaby's One Tree Hill Crossover Fanvid Touched - (Dean/Haley)
aisalynn's Fanvid Wish You Were Here
kaiyote's Fanvid Too Late (Gabriel/Castiel)
secretlytodream's Fanvid When Things Explode ; Fanmix Like Lions Out In The Sands
lassiterfics's Fanmix Gratia Plena (Jimmy/Castiel)
ficliously's Fanmix Saved! A Season Five Mix
deadflowers5's Rising Con: Misha's Meet and Greet (Photos)
agt_spooky's Season 6 Preimier Date
sam_dean's flocked Goodies

Doctor Who:
redscharlach's Icons
Season 5 Timeline(s): Wibbley Wobbley!
raiindust's Fanmix Not Just An Ordinary Girl (Amy)
londondoctor's tennant_love-flocked Fanvids
knownaskate's Picspam Colin Morgan in Midnight
caz963's Picspam Ten

True Blood:
Alexander Skarsgård Interview

Avatar: The Last Airbender:
alliancesjr's Review
thedailyshow's Aasif Mandvi on The Last Avatar
lienne's flocked hgggggggggggggggggggggggggg - Re: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Q. Le's Thoughts on film, animation, and the world: FacePainting

Other Fandom:
mediocrechick's Harry Potter GIFs
obsessive24's 30 Day TV Meme - Current TV Obsession (Sex and the City) - Sexism Rant
iconzicons' Steel Magnolias Icons
cleolinda's Eclipse Screening Report
mzmtiger's Lie To Me Fanmix I Wanna Put You Back Together (If You'll Let Me) (Cal/Gillian)

thememoryslides' Icons - Grey's Anatomy, Queer as Folk, Doctor Who, Lost, One Tree Hill, Titanic
lidia_elf's Icons - Vampire Diaries, Smallville, Supernatural, My Bloody Valentine
longerthanwedo's Icons - Supernatural, Friends, Firefly/Serenity, Dollhouse, BtVS
mizra's Icons - Veronica Mars, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Band of Brothers, True Blood, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, Beaking Dawn, Remember Me, Eclipse
The Forbes' Fictional 15th Richest Characters
Reader's Poll Results: Top 10 Prime Time TV Hunks Of All Time - Apart from Jensen Ackles and "Booooooone", I don't know 'em.

rex_dart's New Imperial War Museum teapot and music
qthewetprocket's embed The Muppets - Popcorn
jenni_the_odd's On introversion and her absence
Recipe: Momofuku's Crack Pie
France's New Medieval Castle
Book: Happy Dog The Happy Dog
Naytinalbert's I hugged a man in his underware. And I am proud. - Finally, good Christians.
Misha's Minion's Random Acts Charitable Group

* The Last Continent, TPratchett

actors: misha collins, travel, my jobhunt, tv: daily_s/colbert_r, fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, fandom: art, books: harry potter, tv: queer as folk, fandom: analysis, fandom: picspam, movies: reviews, human rights, fandom: fanvids, people: nice, actors: interviews, tv: true blood, things: coveted, fandom: fanmixes, tv: doctor who, childhood staples, movies, fandom: icons, tv: lost, tv: clips

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