True Blood tonight! I demand more Eric booty! And I have a bunch of YouTube videos of Supernatural Conventions (feat. Misha Collins) to watch and squee over.
In other news, my volunteership's first day went well. I'm going to be translating the website information from Italian to English, which let me tell you right now, calls for EPIC LINGUISTIC HEADACHE because my Italian is Le Basic. Still, \o/
In further other news, I am avoiding my parents like the plague. Yays.
Doctor Who "The Pandorica Opens" Review:
I don't have a lot to say about this episode apart from:
- Zomgfantastic!
- Rory! *heart swells then bursts* (Also, I don't care if he really was Rory or if he wasn't, it's all a technicality because did we learn nothing from the poor scientist in Victory of the Daleks? If you believe you're human, you are, damnit! Nuts to your bolts, I say!)
- Doctoooooor! Noooooo! *heart breaks*
But the main thing I want to talk about is the fantastic crossover potentital my crack-out little brain saw in this episode.
1) Doctor Who: Investigating strange happenings at Stonehenge, including and Underhenge and signals sent out to Everyone, Everywhere. There are
CYBERMEN (and aliens). A CYBERMAN HEAD.. This is important for SA.
2) Stonehenge Apocalypse: Stonehenge is doing very strange things with energy and people are investigating it (poorly). IT WAS A ROBOT HEAD. Also, Jacob who is Misha Collins.
3) Supernatural: There are seals upon seals locking Lucifer away. There is a Trickster playing games. There is Castiel who is Misha Collins.
See?!? They are one! I mean, the SA and SPN crossover is a given, and the SA and the SA and DW crossover works so well except for the time it's set in, shush, we can work around that!
Quote of the Day:
here, Re: Sam Winchester
You are the devil's trap. But you know that.
Links of the Day:
blacklid's Meta and Review
Swan Song ; Fic
Book Quiz ; Meta
1 John 2:27 ; Meta
In the Garden There Was Good and Evil ; Meta
The Winchester Shell Games: Season One ; Meta
Why Do People Disappear...So They Can Show Up At the Last Minute?moorishflower's Fic
The Permanent Efficacy of Graceauthoressnebula's Fic
You Game Me a Name, You Defined My Purpose and sequel
You Gave Me a Choice, You Settled My Soulgabby_silang's Fic
Crow Eye Come Seesidium's Fic
Some Kind of Mosntergoldenusagi's Stonehenge Apocalypse Crossover Fic
Untitledfandomcorner's RPFic
One of the Boys (Jensen/Misha)
franzimania's Fanvids
1) Jimmy Nockas 2) Halte Durchgrey_bard's Fanvid
For Your Entertainment,/a> (Gabriel)
spacefragments' Fanart In conclusion: kittensdzajnisko's
Iconsqthelights' Report
AHBL Melbourne Conventionqthelights' Picspam, Vidspam and Meta
Misha 101 - \o/
Chicago 2009 Convention Photos: Misha Collins - Misha! In a three-piece-suit! \o/
Melbourne 2010 ConventionDmitri Krushnic (Misha Collins)'s
Lewinsky wasn't the only infatuated internannaapenas' Fanvid
Bad Influence (Dean, Castiel)
Jensen and Jared's Greatest Moments Doctor Who:
who_daily's The Pandorica Opens
Reaction Posts, Part 2infiniteviking's Picspam Review
The Pandorica Opensdoctorwho's Discussion
Jacket!Doctor ;
With Screencaps Multifandom:
Icons - Supernatural, Doctor Who
Icons - Grey's Anatomy, Lost, Fringe, One Tree Hill, Cougar Town, The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Glee
Icons - Alias, BtVS, Chuck, Dollhouse, Possession, Supernatural, Veronika Decides to Die
To the straight guy at the party last nightIMDB's
Veronika Decides to DieThe Book Quiz * The Doctor, The Pandorica Opens