5.22 Swan Song, Part 6

May 20, 2010 01:00


It depends on your definition of a dead man.

Bobby comes back from checking out Lucifer's Hidey Hole of Doom. That must feel like a really long walk, about to tell all of the people you care about that their imminent and permanent demise is waiting for them at the end of the block.

Dean unlocks the trunk. *rewinds*
Dean unlocks the trunk. *rewinds*
Dean does it. *is proud*

Hugs! This Show is hug-deprived until now and Bobby gives more hugs lately than anybody and I WANT ANOTHER ONE.

Wait...that's... I'm not even through the credits yet?! How are you people still here reading this? *hands out pie and toilet paper*

Of course, he's gonna fight him tooth and nail, Bobby.
You didn't give up on him. He's not going to give up, either.

Cas has become a good friend to Sam in such a short time. It's rather amazing that an angel with such a deep intellect and sense of duty was willing to admit that this destiny is one that agents of fate, including him, have laid on Sam, but now that he's had a chance to marinate at the bottom of a few liquor stores and hear Dean's Deep Thoughts, I think he might be coming around to the idea that Sam is a good guy, which he is, and that angels are dicks, which they are, mostly, and that he'd rather be a human dick than an angel dick. Yay, Cas. You've never felt more helpless than you do right now. I have hope for the first time in a long time.

This Kool-Aid is really good. *gets another cup*

Cas trying to be funny is almost funnier than when he seriously thinks it's not funny, but not quite. Life is hard out here for a sucky beacon of hope. Dean doesn't like to talk in lolcat. It will be lonely.

Dear Show,
That ALL DELIVERIES, THIS WAY sign is a sick, disturbing joke at a time like this and I totally despise your macabre sense of humor and I lovehate you forever again, amen.
-Lid, who thinks that it's just wrong, Show, it's wrong

He doesn't want Dean to have to watch this. Maybe in his head the whole time, Dean will be standing right there next to him and I think that's the kind of support he wishes he could have, but he thinks that it's too much for Dean to handle. Kinda like me when I have to puke, which I might go do at the thought of drinking 24 quarts of blood that's been sitting in a trunk in winter weather driving through Michigan and is now coagulated and cold. *herp*

Sam knows it's going to change him. He'll be able to feel it inside him, racing through his heart, making him feel powerful, even though he'll know he isn't. He knows that the demon blood will never make him powerful enough to truly overthrow Lucifer because the blood drinking was always just a ploy to prepare his body to be a vessel; he knows that it was always, on some level, a lie about its power. The only hope he has is that he won't explode with Lucifer driving and that what's left of him and the other three will be enough to wrangle his body into the trap before it's too late.


Dean doesn't want to watch Sam do this, but he isn't going to leave him to do it alone, either. He only leaves his side because Sam asks him to, because the only way that Sam will be able to get through it at all is if he's alone. Dean goes just out of eyeshot and no further. He could probably hear Sam gagging.

Dear Sam,
You are the devil's trap. But you know that.
-Lid who thinks the rings are awesomely magnetic, that they are made by Lucifer and therefore are definitely the KEY to his destruction, but they are not the GATE
P.S. Lalalalalala...me? I didn't say anything. Press continue. *dives outta the way*

MuseDean: Well, I'm Trinity.
Lid: Mmm, no. I think you're more like Morpheus.
MuseDean: More like Trinity.
Lid: *pets*
MuseDean: I should know.
Lid: Yes, dear.

Instead of sneaking up there or getting attacked on their way up there, Sam raises his arms and shouts loud enough to wake anyone within a five block radius, except for how there doesn't appear to be anyone around but them... probably because they're all dead.

Manhandling FTW! I like a good manhandling.

Was this room number 424? So it's the answer to life, everything, and the universe, no matter if you're coming or going? I LIKE IT.


This is what we see: Lucifer staring at the stars, lookin' all innocent, sayon' how nice it is for us to drop in, asking us to don't be hatin'.

I see two of him, don't you?

PART SEVEN: Hammer of the Gods


epic show pwns everything, batshanging, omgwhy, i sit around collecting things, canadians are up there, bzuh?, oh for the love, die in a fire, angels are not so obi wan, meta, this can never happen again, on the other other hand, anansi boys, misha bomb squad collins, sam!, thinky thoughts, it's where things go, bobby!, i tell you, le sigh, sam and dean own my soul, i think i might die, there are no words, take a chill pill, hang onto your ass, because it's wrong, going to hell, oh noes

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