Misha Collins 101: Or, How I learned to Stop Worrying and...Wait.. What the Ever-Loving Fuck?
Okay, so a few of my girls wanted a Misha 101.
Of course, when you actually get to know Misha, you'll realise why that's so fucking LOL-worthy as to be not even funny *g*.
This is a combo of picspam and vidspam. Um, there's a LOT of youtube here. Trust me that every single one is worth watching. However, it may take you about a month to watch them all. I suggest you take it slowly and work your way through. Bookmark this page. Also, there will be a quiz.
The Basics
Birthdate: August 20 1974
Siblings: Younger brother and two sisters (allegedly.. once upon a time it was one.. then there was another one.. for all we really know, there might be ten)
Marital Status: He's married to his college sweetheart. She's awesome. 'Nough said.
Eyecolour: Are you kidding me? IMDb has his blue eyes down as his trademark. Which. Yeah, as if someone changes that every time they take a new role.. anyway. They're blue. Really blue.
Nationality: Hippie
Background: Entirely American, though some will have you believe he is Russian or Middle-Eastern. He really isn't. He's from Massachusetts. Moved a lot when he was growing up and didn't have a lot of money.
Name: (Misha Dmitri Tippens Krushnic - which he believes rolls nicely off the tongue) Named after a Russian boyfriend his mother had in college. To the chagrin of his father. Collins is a family name on his mom's side. Has always been called Misha, though his mom calls him Mish (pronounced Meesh), or, as she liked it, "Mish the Quiche"
Pets: Two Red-eared Slider turtles. Named Drydraluxlaloud (it came to him in a dream) and Bonnie Brae the Second. They fight but he can't be refereeing them all the time, getting in between their little turtle mind games. So he lets 'em.
Education: Studied social theory at University of Chicago
I Know I've Seen That Guy
The first thing you need to know, is that you've already seen him. Because he has guest starred in every show known to man. This includes NCIS, NYPD Blue, 24,
ER, Monk, CSI, Charmed,
Nip/Tuck and Without A Trace. All of these things can be found on youtube. The ones you *need* to watch are the Nip/Tuck and the ER. Trust me on those ones. (and a side note once you've watched that nip/tuck ep? It turns out Misha is so bendy - most flexible guy in highschool... which... i don't even want to know how they judge ;) - because of a birth defect in his spine which means he's missing parts of his bones, thus allowing him to be super flexible.)
Misha's IMDb page will give you the run down on all these things. But there are a couple of movies he's starred in worth noting. Firstly,
Karla in which he plays serial rapist/killer Paul Bernado. Do not watch Karla. No really. Apart from the fact that Misha doesn't want you to because it's bad and was a horrible experience to shoot (and doesn't get residuals for it) it will scar you. I am not joking.
Finding Home. This is significant for it's hand!porn (whittling, piano playing, boat steering, dog feeding) and sexy eyebrow scar. It um, may only be worth watching for Misha. No really. Here's what the back of the region 4 dvd says:
The story focuses on an ambitious young executive, Amanda, who inherits a lovely B&B on a remote island in Maine when her grandmother dies. She arrives with every intent of selling it all off and going back to her busy career, but in going through her grandmother's belongings, she discovers much about her family's past which ultimately makes her re-evaluate her life and values. Amanda is faced with making right decisions amidst trying circumstances. The film also addresses important social and psychological issues such as sexual responsibility, divorce, abuse, deception and false memory syndrome.
Enough said really.
Third -
Stonehenge Apocalypse. This is a masterpiece of bad scifi wherein the earth is being terraformed by um.. well it's not really clear. Misha describes the film thusly:
"Stonehenge Apocalypse has a little of everything. It's got Stonehenge. And an apocalypse! So I think everyone will definitely enjoy the movie. There's a nuclear bomb, earthquakes, volcanoes, pyramids - collapsing and rising up out of the earth, there's a cult, and there are guns, and a fighter jet. Need I say more? I think it's going to be a critics fav."
Basically it is awesomely bad, Misha is fantastic and growlysnarky. What you need to know? It. Was. A. Robot. Head.
Regardless, of these awesome movies (and to be clear? Misha IS awesome in them, despite their um.. dubious quality) the way in which most of us actually properly saw him was through the introduction of Castiel into Supernatural.
Dean/Cas: The Primer
Now, this is kinda hard to picspam, or even vidspam, because the strange thing is that it kind of sneaks up on you.. at first it's like, 'oh that's kind of cool and the angel is kinda badass in a tv way' but then you get to the end of the season and it sort of hits you and you're all totally in love with dean/cas without even realising it happened.
Anyway, the story goes like this: Dean is sent to hell (oops) and promptly brought back out again, by something. Turns out that something is Castiel. We meet Castiel like
this. Castiel is intense and kinda weird. We like him. Castiel also has no concept of personal space, and frequently turns up in the middle of the night (when Sam is conveniently sleeping). At first, it is all
angry tension between the two and Cas turns up in
bed with Dean. But then, when the angels get pushy and shit, Dean realises that Cas isn't all infallible and is
not all that bad. Of course, they do that while sitting watching a playground full of kids like a couple of paedophiles. But that's neither here nor there. Things progress, Dean starts calling Castiel 'Cas'. Things take a turn and suddenly Castiel doesn't seem to be in charge any more, Dean does not like this.
Turns out that Cas likes Dean a little too much. Back and forth shenanigans happen, Cas gets in trouble for liking Dean, helps him when he shouldn't, betrays him in other ways, until the showdown occurs and
Dean breaks up with him. Cas says
not likely. In the following season, Cas guilt trips Dean 'cause he
did all this for Dean and got screwed over by Heaven. He does this
a few times and Dean straightens Cas' clothes and then takes Cas to a whorehouse to make up for it. They become BFF's and are
always on the phone to each other.
Dean loves Cas. Also, Dean goes into the future and finds out that Cas has become human, a hippy, orgy-obsessed and drug-fucked. This is only important because it comes up in con questions. As season 5 progressed, Dean and Cas took their love to a new level, with Dean telling
Cas to Blow Him, made a crack about
getting laid and had
angry fighting that led to angry makeup!sex. Cas calls Lucifer an
assbutt to demonstrate his love for Dean.
So! Back to Misha. I'd put this in some kind of order, but really, Misha evades order. So random facts it is!
The first thing to know is that EVERYTHING that comes out of Misha's mouth should be considered extremely suspect. No really. There is a line of thought that everything he says is embellished, if not outright falsehoods created for his own amusement. The scarier line of thought, and one backed up by a fair amount of data, is that everything he says is absolute truth.
As you can tell from those clips, Misha as Castiel has a really really deep voice. Which we all appreciate. What we also appreciate is that it makes Jensen do the same. As Misha says, it is a
pissing contest. In actuality, Misha's voice is not as deep.
Misha is
No really. He also likes
monkeys and
cats. And
Sometimes, Misha wears really
bad sweaters. Enough that Jared and Jensen
comment on it. Also, you'll notice in that clip, Jensen doesn't feel comfortable talking about Misha's underwear. (They also
call him a whore...)
On the other hand? Sometimes he
dresses up purrty. Just for us. and Jensen.
Richard Speight Jr, however,
does enjoy and feel comfortable talking about Misha's underwear... Which leads to this
hilarious confrontation. At a later convention, Richard tries to further humiliate Misha, by getting the
audience to bring with them
orange underwear. Misha proves a) that he
wears them and b) that he
keeps them.
Misha is also fantastically amusing at
auctioning things. Note the solid gold-coloured aluminium.
He likes to
make fun of his fans. And tells them to fuck off every now and
then especially
when they're asking dumb questions.
Very VERY rarely, he can be serious, and scarily intense. Like this part of the AU convention where he
talks about filming Karla.
Misha is a man of his word, and possibly completely made up as some evil genius PR experiment. For example, when Loot a documentary film made by a friend of his, who he helped produce, premiered in New York, Misha told his minions to go watch. And send him evidence. Which, they did. Months later, lucky fans started receiving chocolate baked goods in the mail. With
this letter wherein he provided pictorial evidence that he did indeed make the truffles himself. Of course he did. Take note of the "Dear Sir or Madman." And the guilt trip that the fan can never say that he did nothing for them.
He creates strange and disturbing PSA
Misha cannot watch scary movies, and has a hard time watching Supernatural itself, as he has an overactive imagination trouble not suspending his sense of disbelief. He spent most of the time watching the movie Se7en in college from in between the seats to stop the images hitting his visual cortex.
Misha makes fun of his fans. A lot. In fact, Misha is probably the only person who can be completely mocking and rude to you and have you loving every single second of it. Because it is nearly all done with love and, it appears, with a desire to interact with people as if they were real. Novel approach, I know.
More randomly:
Yes, he interned at the White House. Before Monica. He didn't particularly like it, 'cause it was all "omgpresidentwtfbbq". He even
wrote about it. He built most of his house and the furniture in it. He had a computer software company. He studied social theory in college (no really, can you tell?), he spent time at a monastery in Tibet and likes to go to monastic retreats each year to be alone. His self-proclaimed nationality is "hippy". He's a
published poet. Worked in public radio for NPR. Briefly trained as an EMT. That all these things have ended up on the internet boggles him, which is rather cute. Misha's wife - well you all know the story with that. And if you don't, I ain't telling you, 'cause I ain't talking about his personal life ;) Also, he goes to Burning Man lots. Because yes, he is that cool. It's kinda scary. Um, let's see. He briefly tried being an EMT, and allegedly, a doctor by walking into a hospital and starting tending to patients (which he advises against,,,, it's said). He feels strangely safe around colostomy bags and once tried to recover from a vodka!overdose by getting lost in Russia and curling up in hole in the snow (see
here). In the battle between heaven and hell, Misha and Mark Pellegrino
draw rude pictures for their fans. He can do tricks with his
Misha also remembers his fans. And tells all his other fans about when they met. This includes outing a fan by her name, only to realise too late, that it wasn't the done thing. One could read this one of two ways, one. he genuinely isn't online much and doesn't realise that usernames are often kept as secret or two. he obviously does go online, 'cause otherwise how would he know her name? In any case, he made it up to the fan in question with
a milkshake date.
Misha and the Net
At some point, the CW (or someone) tells Misha that it would be a good idea to start up a
twitter account. Little did they know, they'd created a monster. Misha's first tweets
go like this.
Supernatural Wiki describes Misha's twitter: "Misha's Twitter persona is that of a slightly maniacal character who is often called on by heads of state, ranging from Kim Il Jong to Barack Obama, for advice and occasional sexual liaisons. He has an on-going antagonistic relationship with Queen Elizabeth."
Also of note, 'cause it will come up, is that during an earthquake, he hid out in an underground bunker with a treadmill, pony and laptop. The pony powered the laptop via the treadmill. Unfortunately, Misha had to eat the pony's haunches. Misha has also noted that Jared and Jensen clearly don't follow him on twitter, which makes him sad, as they had no idea what the pony thing was about when commenting on a button given to Misha by a fan reading "enough with the pony already". For what it's worth? He ate the pony on my birthday. I'm just sayin'.
Misha's tweets are very random, and frequently amusing. For example:
"But I'm gonna have to take a hard line from here on out. Anyone (Bsides me) using badly grammar, abr. or mispelin' is gonna be perm. removed 8:22 AM May 17th, 2009"
Or this series:
"If i want to be treated like a celebrity, i've got to start acting like one... from now on I'm going to twit more like @britneyspears. 12:42 AM Jun 5th via web"
"Just ducked into a Starbucks. Gotta get outta the sun, it's like 80 degrees!!!! Iced double-shot skinny lattes keep me going! Peace out! 12:47 AM Jun 5th via web"
"BTw, yes, Starbucks sponsors me, which is how I know that Starbucks coffee is made from a blend of juiced mice and ephedra. 2:22 AM Jun 5th via Echofon"
Mainly, Misha uses his twitter to get fans to bring him eggs and construction paper, plus also to post pictures that his publicist would probably rather he didn't. Such as
these now infamous images. Being Misha, he also posts pictures of himself in the
ambulance after he has a bicycle accident.
He also posted a photo of
himself naked.
He says he doesn't google. But this seems unlikely given his language use. Not only does he call fanfic 'fic', and differentiates that from 'slash fic,' he knows that slash has sub-sections like 'dean/cas/pie' and knows he'd become interested in fanfic when he "
hits the intense googling phase". He knows what 'threads' are and has used the phrase trufax. He knows enough to tease fans that he may have even posted comments on peoples' fic. Some of which was badly written. He has also taken it upon himself to tell the rest of the cast and crew about slash. With glee. There are other examples that I can't think of right now, too. Even if Misha doesn't trawl the internet for fic and other things (yeah right), his mother apparently does, looking for videos of Misha at cons, as he has referenced on more than one occasion (or as he puts it, vids taken via nipple!cam). He is also interested in
fandom and fic as regards the creation of community. He kinda wants to talk about fic, and gets
a bit pissed that he isn't allowed to when they're written about him. He also believes that
slash is a great cultural asset that unites the world (together). *g*
Comms what you might be interested in:
minionstimulus jensen_misha mishaland mishacollins dailymisha Sites what you might be interested in:
Misha's IMDb page,
Misha's Twitter,
Minion Stimulus,
Misha's Facebook.
In his continuing mastery of the Internet and in line with is plans to take over the world, Misha has also gotten himself a
facebook account.
Misha's Minions and Mishaland
Misha's twitter followers are called his minions. Because that's less derogatory than "followers". Misha's plan for his minions is to take over the world. This is a very involved process and involves synchronised sleep patterns. It is ongoing.
But of course, Misha has learned also to use his minions for good, and set up a
UNICEF page to help Haiti. Which so far has raised around $21,000. eta. It hit the $30,000 mark! In fact, Misha's wish to harness his minion powers for the benefit of others led to the creation of minionstimulus -
website and
minionstimulus - where Misha's minions can "do good works in the world." Nb. In 2010, Minstim changed it's name to Random Acts.
Of course, it should also be pointed out that in finding a treasurer for minionstimulus he told his minions to send locks of their hair (for species verification) to his PO Box. They did. To the point that someone on the crew threatened to harm their favourite angel if they didn't stop with the creepy hair sending ;)
Misha's other group of hardcore fans, the mishawives, reside at the LJ comm
mishaland. A capslock comm, Mishaland came into being when plans to kidnap and marry Misha were thwarted by the fact that he already had a wife. Thus they devised:
The best series of clips to watch:
Nearly any of the Con vids of Misha are worth watching, but in my mind there are two series of clips that are brilliant and you MUST WATCH.
The first is Misha at the Vancouver Con - I love this lot because Misha appears wonderfully relaxed and playful. His friends and co-workers are there, and he chatters away to them as much as the fans. Highlights include: Misha thanking a male fan for being a man and asking if he came to cons for the action - the heart stopping moment is where he notices another male in the audience with a "Hey Man" and a grin that blinds the audience; Misha explaining what the hell all the 'minion' stuff is to his co-workers; talking about his wife's dance moves; Misha referencing Dean/Cas/Pie fic.
These vids can be found here:
part 1 -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5GguplkUJI (not as interesting as the rest of the parts but included here for comprehensiveness)
part 2 -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wf2wW2Lg480part 3 -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQzqt31mUKkpart 4 -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78c9ZPUQHhspart 5 -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZXFSrYJ6MY The second set is Misha in Chicago. This is the Con where Misha turned up in the three piece suit. For no reason other than "why not". I love this lot because Misha is in turns viciously snarky, adorably apologetic and randomly insane. Highlights include: Misha telling an Australian fan why he hates Australians; Calling Richard Speight a "fuckball" for spreading rumours about his pumpkin coloured underwear; Accidentally 'outing' a fan; Telling stories about his mom (His mom calls him "Meesh the Quiche" and nail polish for cub scouts, 'nuff said).
The best version of the vids are here:
part 1 -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Soru2KZ4Kx0part 2 -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohUdqttcC0gpart 3 -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxSvZhhJfdspart 4 -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxlVHhOyZGMpart 5 -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCw6NsgF1nYpart 6 -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdjAuCUVYw8part 7 -
Misha in Australia
And of course, the vids that killed a fandom - Misha interrupts Jensen and Jared's panel at the Sydney Con and bends him over.
Misha joins Jared and Jensen on stage by asking the question "
Is it hard to play brothers when you're lovers in real life?" and then
bending Jared over to sign him.
Also while in Australia, they film
three kind of
adorable interviews where they are jetlagged and/or high as kites.
This is amusing, as Misha
clearly hates Australians.
ETA. On his
second trip to Australia, all was resolved. However, he does not believe kangaroos (aka "littler fuckers") actually exist.
Knew I'd forget something: The Fic
So there's a growing amount of deliciously yummy Misha fic out there. For Jensen/Misha, you should definitely check out
jensen_misha and more generally, there are fics to be found for misha at
If you're interested my Jensen/Misha delicious recs can be found
here. Rob/Misha
here. Jeff/Misha
here. Jared/Misha
here. And variations on the above
And last, but not least. Enjoy this fantastic vid celebrating Misha's awesomness by
Click to view
So. Now that you've made it through all that, you may need counselling, because you'll find that you've fallen insanely in love with Misha Fucking Collins and the fact that your boyfriends aren't that hot nor your friends that cool, will probably be eating you up inside.
It's okay. This is normal.
Give it a few days. Or a few weeks. Really, it's been a few months for me and I've yet to shrug off the insane sadness that is the fact that I do not own Misha Fucking Collins. But hey, I'll let you know if the feeling eventually dissipates.