My dad's doing the equivalent of being a professional doctor and telling me, who's shown up with a fucked up arm, "I don't know if it's broken! Just look it up on that website I sent you. Jeez, I already told you how hospitals import the bandages used in casts."
Not. Helping.
In other news, today has been sucktastic and wibbleliscious. Fuck you, world.
Have some links.
ETA: He just sent me another link. And hasn't listened to a thing I've said about why the fuck I need these papers, which I don't even need, really, because why else is this fucking Europe?
ETA 2: Yeah, okay, the links help and explain and all that shit, but it's his fucking job to do these things, and he sends me links? And the world sucks, have I mentioned? Sucks donkey's unmentionables. Jacob you incredible douche, you, sign me up for Island Watching, I'm so done with this shit right here.
Links of the Day:
tracy_loo_who's Review
Swan Song: Apparently Season Five is over or something ; Finale Coda Fic
Three Months Laterroadtripper666's Review
Swan Songiwantpie's Review
Swan Songbloodyrosered's Review
Swan Songscottishwhisky's Review
Swan Songancastar's Review
Swan Songack_attack's Review
Swan Songleonidaslion's Review
Swan Songlarienelengasse's Review
Swan Song,
Pre-Screening Squeeckll's Review
Swan Songgermanjj's
dean_sam-flocked Review
Swan Song ;
Season 6 Speculationsteand's Meta
Swan Songmissjack's Meta
Swan Songblackjedii's Meta
Swan Songcharacter_bleed's Meta
Swan Song: There's no stopping us now (Family)tartysuz's Meta
Swan Songme_obviously's Meta
Swan Song: Chuckodysseaia's Meta
Swan Songtahirire's Meta
Swan Song: Ask the Oraclecordelia_gray's Meta
Swan Songyourlibrarian's Meta
Swan Song: Paging T.S.Eliotnoxelementalist's Meta
Swan Song: The Dionysian, Apollonian, and Socraticbree_black's Meta
Swan Song: The Epic Love Story of Sam and Deanbardicvoice's Meta
The Devil You Know: You Want The Horseman Rings, Or Not? ; Meta
Two Minutes To Midnight: Good Luck Stopping The Whole Zombie Apocalypse. Yeah - Good Luck Killing Death.bangafewgongs' Meta
How could this happen to me? A Dean Winchester reviewi_o_r_h_a_e_l's Fic
Swan Song Coda: Snot-Nosed Little Kidchihuahiasrcute's Fic
Swan Song Coda: Cars on a Cableobeyshi's
Season 5 Soundtrackbjtp's
Wallpaper (
kelzies' Fanmix
Death or Gloryjaychan85's Fanvid
Lucifer's Angellilhellsangel's Fantrailer
5x22gaf_addict_06's Fanvid
Swan Song: 21 Gunsashdoode's Fanvid
Swan Song: Happy Endinguglybusiness'
Wallpaperso_tsuki_o's Picspam
Swan Song
mata090680's Swan Song Iconspretty-hostel's
Swan Song Iconssam_dean's flocked
Jared Padalecki casting suggestion for The Host ;
Chuck Discussion ;
Sam Observation ; Fanart
Swan Song: Behind the ScenesXkjscififanX's Fanvid
Airplanes (Sam/Dean)
Lost Videos to Make You Laughtoastandtea's Review
Across the Sealaceyourhands' Picspam
Season 1prettybutt's Picspam
GUHBenry Knows Best:
The Animal Fair Ashes to Ashes / Life on Mars:
qthewetsprocket's Fic
Armageddon ; Meta
Chess Analogy ; Speculations
Of Roosters and Lions...or, why I haven't even seen the A2A finale and my heart is already broken ;
A2a 3x08 trailer 2 - spec and pics and oh HELL you guys... ;
3x08 Trailer ;
3x07 First Thought True Blood:
Season 3 Trailer Nightmare on Elm Street (2010):
Interview: Jackie Earle Haley 'happy to be second place Freddie Krueger' ;
Interview Multifandom:
Icons - Doctor Who, Merlin, Supernatural, Eerie Indiana, hercule Poirot, Psych, White Collar
Icons - Supernatural (FINALE), The Vampire Diaries, Doctor Who, Bones, The Big Bang Theory
toastandtea's Review
Iron man 2fid_gin's Picspam
David Tennant in St. Trinian's 2greygirlbeast's
embedding and squee over Trent Reznor's second song/video for the project How to Destroy AngelsChosen Art - Angel, BtVS, SPN, Firefly wallpapers, manips and fic
Macho Nachos RecipeMSNBC's
Mom's voice is powerful medicine - Fuck that shit, the next time I feel miserable and anxious I am not calling my mom. Odds are she's the reason I feel like that in the first place, or will make it worse, or both. Also, since when was March of the Penguins "heart-warming"?
When you're in orbit, which way is Mecca? - Look, sometimes, extenuating circumstances - like SPACE - may make you have to call in a raincheck with God.
Making sex work: Why yes, you can be a feministBlog:
Poems made From SpamPoem Spam * Blade Runner