And we're out of beta: we're releasing on time!*

Dec 08, 2009 21:12

Before I go on about stuff, I can has thesis grade! 8.5! (Keep in mind that even God would be hard-pressed at getting a 10 out of 10 as the university never gives this grade out.) So, less than the African wild dog grade of 9 (for which I worked waaaay less on and stuck to the requisites less, also), but still, yay. And the presentation was an 8, but hey, not bad for what it was. This translates to like 53 ECTS (for like 8 months of solid full-time work) and 1 ECTS (for the presentation). I can has joy, yes.

I had my last meeting with my supervisor today, where we went over the Final "Seriously, we mean it this time" Draft, which got the go-ahead for printage. So I spent most of my day printing out seven copies of my thesis (which is like almost 800 pages!) and cleaning up the January and February lion observation database. Getting that database all pretty is going better and faster than I'd originally thought, which is most excellent. So all I have to do now is manually bind seven copies (tomorrow! with my trusty iPod by my side, boredom nae harm me!) and finish the database pimping.) Then I'm done! For the win!

Well, there's one half-article that I've got written up (deleted bits from my thesis because it went waaay too off-topic) about the almost-maneless lions in the park, which my superviosor's all a-squee over and says we can totally write it up for publication as a note or something. So more work (boo)! but publishing as first author (yay!). That'll happen later, maybe even in January.

I asked him a bit about what I sort of jobs I'm useful for and where I should start looking, and he basically said NGO's and named a few other organizations and the like. But he said what people always say, that it matters very much what you're interested in, but does no one realize that no matter how interested I may be in something, I may also be woefully underskilled for it? And thus unemployable in it? Or not know that I'm totally able to kick-ass in some other undefined area?

I've been listening to the Good Omens audiobook (which works much better in audio than I'd expected) and But Then By Homework Was Never Quite Like This podfic. The podfic is over six hours of dom/sub slash porn which gets a bit boring after a while, but is well-written. If it weren't for audiobooks, I'd hardly read (and I use the verb loosely) anything at all, what with the lack of time and books. Hmm, I could start on the second Sookie Stackhouse book tomorrow, that'd pass the time while I bind.

Speaking of binding, I'm totally printing and binding my pdf. Which I will finish today. Or tomorrow. Gods, it's just a tiny little coda I want to write...

Also, for the second morning in a row I've been nauseaus over breakfast. While nausea is sort of my weak spot when it comes to deep-seated nervousness (I threw up before my flight to university-for-the-first-time and was chronically blargh before the-move-to-the-Netherlands), I don't know where the stress may be coming from this time. I mean, nothing's freaking me out twenty-four-seven. Huh. Future for the freak-out?

ETA: The 2600 word extra Dean&Icarus scene is written! There is schmoop! Hidden below many layers of angst and grief and hard-knock-lifery. Which is to say, there's is almost-hugging! And fingers in hair! And I just remembered I forgot to put in one detail about Icarus telling or saying he's going to tell Dean about Chip's angel-vision but it's okay, we don't need that bit anyway and it would break the flow and anyway they can talk about it anytime and oh my god it's over! PDF pimpage tomorrow!

Links of the Day:
awakencordy's Multifandom Icons - Merlin, Quotes, Supernatural, Stock
marika_kailaya's squee over bound book, care of Nano
go_exchange - Good Omens Fic and Art Christmas Exchange
aniquetje's Picspam Kissing Jared Padalecki
redscharlach's The Tennant Days of Christmas - David Tennant takes over television!
vt_graphics's Supernatural Mood Theme, Animated
iconseeyou's All I Want for Christmas Icons
tracy_loo_who's Supernatural Dean/Castiel Fic Recs comics' Nobless Oblige

* Jonathan Coulton, "Still Alive"

actors: david tennant, authors: terry pratchett, comics, books, fandom: fic, tv: supernatural, emotion: omgyay!, tv: doctor who, authors: neil gaiman, fandom: icons, postgrad: internship

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