snOMG! Snowmageddon! Snowpocalypse!

Feb 09, 2010 09:41

Are you on twitter? Follow me! (then let me know who you are, so I follow you back and don't just think you're a spambot!)

I love twitter names for snowstorms. I love snowstorms. I mentioned the one that gave us 14 inches, which are still - for the most part - still here, despite the sun's best efforts to melt it away yesterday. I mean, there is a lot less of it, but I still can't see the ground anywhere that wasn't shoveled. :-) And now they're predicting even more snow/bad weather starting this afternoon. My exam tomorrow was preemptively cancelled because the professor has to drive it to class, as well as some of the students, and he didn't want to risk people not being able to get there. So no class tomorrow night. That means tonight I get to just hang out and not stress about not studying while I watch LOST (because, let's face it, I will never give up LOST to do anything else, hah).

I also hate being that person who is all 'Everything was terrible then God spoke to me and life is fantastic now', but I did get a few moments of clarity recently, a few random happenstances (certain songs coming on my iTunes in a row while it was on shuffle, a friend posting a particular bible verse in their facebook status right before I logged on, my mom and sister having off school Monday so that if I come home I can stay all day Sunday and leave the next day, etc) that really made things click for me yesterday. Do I think God finagled my iPod playlist? No. But it was exactly the sort of sign/answer/thinking points I had been praying about, and random or not, I'm glad it happened.

I feel like nothing can go wrong now. I know that I can, and it probably will, but I am getting better at perspective. At having faith that everything is happening for a reason. At knowing that all of the bad times just help us to better appreciate the good ones, and that in time we will learn to not have 'bad' times, only slightly worse times than the really good ones. ^_^ I love these little optimistic moods. I may ignore my reading and celebrate with a movie or something... I don't know. The fact that I already started memorizing most of the material and now I have a whole extra week to do it has really made my life so much easier (though I can't slack because I do have another exam next week, so I need to start studying for that one, too...)

Anyway, enough with the rambling. Time to be productive. 
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