Full of surprises...

Feb 11, 2010 22:31

My last night was stressful. I had to present an activity in my team building and leadership class this morning, and I was a little worried about it. And by a little, I mean OH HEY THERE ANXIETY ISSUES. I wasn't as bad as I've been in the past, but my stomach got really upset this morning and I was pretty nervous. I think it went over well. The girl next to me could tell I was a little worked up and she told me how great I did when I was over, which I was really thankful for. I'm just glad it's over, but at the end of the year we have to lead a group of strangers in an activity.. and I just hope that by then I've worked my way to a point where that is a possibility. The whole reason I stuck with this class was to help me overcome this fear, and I hope that I can get there.

Then I found out that because the roads are still not cleared very well around my hometown and my mom's worried about the roads between there and here, I'm not going to go home this weekend. :-( I miss home. I miss my family, my dogs, my bed, my room... mainly the family bit, though. I mean, I talk to them on the phone a ton, and we video chat sometimes, so that's nice. And Spring Break is only three weeks away from today, so that's good.

So here comes the surprising part: I am still in a fantastic mood. I am eating a 'tropical fruit cup', full of kiwi and strawberries and what I'm guessing is mango. I am not very knowledgeable about fruits, but it is delicious, whatever it is. Fresh fruit is the best. I am talking with my friend Liz who is coming up to my college this weekend to visit, so I'll get to see her a little bit, though she's staying with Amanda. I'm watching America's Best Dance Crew, which is one of my guilty pleasure shows. This one girl is FIFTEEN YEARS OLD. Ridiculous. And I'm sitting here, perfectly content with my life. Usually I would've let these little things build up and make me upset, but I just let them happen then let them go, just like that. I really am getting better about ignoring the little things, but for real, and not just saying I'm ignoring them but still being upset later. And that's awesome.

I need to do a lot of reading tonight now that I know Liz is coming, though. I have a party to go to tomorrow, maybe going to a bar Saturday, and Improv on Sunday. That is just the for-sure things, not counting casual hanging out and unplanned activities. And I have a HUGE exam Monday that involves a TON of reading/memorizing. So yeah, I have a lot to do, but I'm super-pumped for this weekend. I may even go buy some new clothes for the occasion. Who knows?

Hope life is going well for the rest of you!

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