(no subject)

Mar 25, 2008 11:32

So, work started out boring as usual. Then Doug said I have the go-ahead to start phoning people whose emails bounced. I am...dreading this task. And well, it's pretty much the only consistent task they have for me. *woe*

And then I found out that Becky (who usually covers Carol's, the receptionist, breaks) is sick and not in. So, I got called up to cover her break a bit ago. And found out Carol's feeling more than a little crummy and might have to go home early. ...yay? I wouldn't have to do my calling today then, but...but...

It's boring as all get out up there. And I try to entertain myself by doing online jigsaw puzzles or reading articles on msn.com, but there comes a point where it stops working. And the other receptionist/CEO personal assistant made it very clear that I was not to be seen doing anything other than work up there. ...which basically means I could be doomed to 5 or so hours of utter boredom. Where I need to be perky and happy and constantly alert for the random phone calls. *double woe*

...and all I want to do is plot out my game for this summer. *sigh* Not sure if any of my f-list saw it last time, so I thought I'd reiterate that I'm looking for two or maybe, maybe three people to join in. You could be ninjas of many varieties, samurai, cyborgs, magic users, or well, lots of spiffy things in a semi-post-apocalyptic Japan. It could be much fun...*flutters eyelashes*

Anyhoo, here's to me surviving work. And ignoring how I'm starting to look forward to maybe moving to Logan where I could get a new job, new ward, new RS, and new apartment and...*sigh* then I remember that I don't know anyone there.

To Do today:
*Call car place (All Tune N Lube) to have Matsuko fixed. Takin' her in today!
*Not be miserable at work. Puppies make it all better.
*Get material for my dice bag.
*Make dinner, for reals. ...the Crepes were mostly intact.
*Call home?


rpgs, work, ut, brazil, life, gm, logan

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