Soylent Green is ******! Shock!

Mar 19, 2008 22:31

So...I cut it down to 13 icons. And switched my default one(to gorgeous Itachi with snowy background), since I realize I never used my previous default icon. (Though I do love it dearly, I just...never use it?) So, I really, really would like people's opinions. I have a hard time cutting it down more than this...

I'm planning on following neromir's suggestion to find six or so that fit my different "moods" and make sure they're favorites and there I go. I just have too many favorites is all.

So um, suggestions and comments are highly appreciated. Thank you much! (And my paid account apparently actually expires in two days (21st), even though their emails make it sound like it expires tomorrow. ...yeaaah.

And on a random note, Brazil(neromir) is amazing and has helped me figure out a ton of stuff about the history of Tevin's world, the Guild, and well...lots of things. It's a good thing I married an awesome guy who can figure out politics, political intrigue, and oh, how to take over countries via the methods of Nazi Germany or old school Russia. Or stuff like that. Yay!

And Soylent Green has finally been seen. And...huh. I knew the "secret" before I saw it, so I guess that ruined the big surprise terrible ending. But uh...huh. Old sci-fi is classic but semi-cheesy? Definitely...interesting. Poor, poor furniture (prostitutes). that's something I didn't think I'd say very often.

Guess it's time to end it for tonight. Sleep well everyone, and please be telling me the icon keeping advice.


lj, sci-fi, brazil, movies, icons

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