Well, I figured I might as well let everyone else know what the
movies/TV shows were that they weren't able to get.
I'm not sure exactly what to do about the lj crap, but I did find a
program that might interest everyone else. It's free and it lets you archive (offline) all of your lj posts. It doesn't keep your pretty lj style, but it keeps all the data. Not sure if links still work, though... doesn't seem likely. And if you are confused about where to download it once you thought you've gone through all the steps (aka - it's listing all the components, but there's no link/button to download the sucker), just make sure to pick the most recent version by clicking on it. It should start downloading after that. I was definitely fooled. Thank goodness Brazil can more than make up for my random spurts of IT ineptitude.
And, to add to my confusion about the lj crap, well, my paid account expires, oh...today? I think. Either way, I'm not willing to pay them anymore. Not after reading the interview with the new owner. Yes, it makes business sense, but...maybe Russians just like to be rude and snooty to their customers? Zuul said it all much better than I did.
Several people have suggested everyone moving to insanejournal or GJ or something, but...frankly? They're hard to navigate for me. I can do it, but I really appreciate how lj lets me skip from point C to A to Z to J. And I can do it pretty much like that. But with GJ and IJ...I have to follow a set pattern everytime and it just grates. They do let you have an insane amount of free icons, though. Which is nice. I just...grar. IJ and GJ (no offense to anyone who likes them) feel like cheap knockoffs of lj to me. And yeah. I'm not sure what I'm going to do if lj keeps being such a punk. I don't want to stop communicating with people online...but I may move back to Xanga or blogspot or something. ...except no one's on there that I know anymore. *sigh*
In other news, my parents are coming to town the first week of April. Huzzah! It's been ages since I've seen them and I've definitely missed them. Plus Mom's gonna bring me some books I've been really, really missing.
And uh, I went to Borders and picked up 9-12 of From Far Away. And read them. *shifty eyes* And I want to buy the last three liek NOW, gosh darnit. Noriko and Izark are just too dang cute. ...and they certainly renew my appreciation for Shoujo. Mmmm. Cuddly times.
Otherwise...LJ Friends! I have another favor to ask. What six/fifteen icons should I keep? I really like too many of my icons, so I'm willing to suffer through ads on my profile if I must. But...if I can figure out only six? More power to me!