Slightly Better

Sep 05, 2007 17:29

Well, today's been an improvement in most regards.

*Job interview, I think, went okay. I have my doubts about getting this one, but here's hoping. Need to write thank-you email ASAP.

*Actually got a call back from the previous place that I interviewed with. I'm apparently still in the running. And if I were hired, I'd start as soon as the 17th. Plus the drive to Springville isn't too bad. *crosses fingers* Here's hoping.

*I bought cute clothes at Shade in the hopes of getting awesome stuff of over $50 dollars worth and getting a ten percent discount. Apparently you have to get a catalogue code in order for the discount to happen. ...and now I can't find a way to cancel my more-expensive-than-expected order. Grrr. I hope they respond to the email fast, cause otherwise I won't get reimbursed for shipping and handling.

*I somehow managed to get the shirt I was gonna wear to the interview dirty. ...luckily I still had time to switch to another one. *sigh*

*It's not blazing hot here. Granted, it's got this pseudo-storm thing still going on, but I'll take what I can get.

*I needs real food. Gonna work on that now.


work, utah, life, jobs

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