Good Things

Sep 18, 2007 22:28

Good things from today/lately:

*I bought a sucky fish to clean the fish tank in the house I live in. It was getting nasty green spots that made the fish invisible behind them. His name is Cornelius. And he's doing a wonderful job.

*They finally finished the construction on one of the intersections I go through daily in the little Suburbia part of Lehi. (Or one of them, at least.) And it only took them how long? ...yeah. Way to go Utah construction.

*I have free rent, food to eat, a car that works, and parents that spot me when I'm broke.

*I have like, oh, billions of applications out there. ...I just hope one of them takes.

*One of the temp agencies says I'll likely have an interview for a receptionist job (that seems long-termish) for next week.

*The other temp agency? Has a job for me for this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. ...and it's like a ten minute drive. Huzzah.

So, here goes me, actually working. FINALLY.


work, fish, utah, life, jobs

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