Title: Salvation Characters: Jimin & Suga Rating: PG13 WC: 1657 Summary: “Where the hell have you been,” Yoongi states rather than ask, not only because Jimin has disappeared for days, but because the deep purple bags under his eyes, that contrast with his even paler skin, and the slightly manic look in his eyes are concerning. A/N: nth attempt at
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Title: One night at Freddy's Focus: Luhan and Kyungsoo (OT12) Rating: PG13 WC: 2587 WARNING: Luhan,Kris and Tao; horror elements;[spoiler]character death Summary: [AU] a group of bored youths, too old to go trick or treating, decided to challenge each other to a bravery test in an abandoned pizzeria, its current run-down and gloomy appearance so far from
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Title: The children upstairs Focus: Chen (OT9 in the background) Rating: PG13 WC: 1606 WARNING: mention of homicide Summary: Home alone after an injury, Jongdae decides to be a good neighbor and offer his leftover pizza to the family upstairs. A/N: typing this up past midnight hasn't been my smartest decision,lol. Based on this creepypasta.
Title: The art of subconscious illusion Focus: Chen Rating: PG13 WC: 592 Warning: only some mentions of blood Summary: Jongdae and Baekhyun go to visit Chanyeol at the hospital. Prompt: nightmares [hc_bingo] A/N: just felt like rearranging this drabble, initially written with members from Panic! At the Disco and The Academy Is... (and Stephen King
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title: Moonlight Films character: Eunhyuk rating: R/NC17 wc: 2353 WARNING: a short scene of torture and killing summary: Middle of nowhere. 10 PM. Lee Hyukjae is at the bar of the umpteenth motel during his long-ass trip across Korea
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