Title: The children upstairs Focus: Chen (OT9 in the background) Rating: PG13 WC: 1606 WARNING: mention of homicide Summary: Home alone after an injury, Jongdae decides to be a good neighbor and offer his leftover pizza to the family upstairs. A/N: typing this up past midnight hasn't been my smartest decision,lol. Based on this creepypasta.
Title: The art of subconscious illusion Focus: Chen Rating: PG13 WC: 592 Warning: only some mentions of blood Summary: Jongdae and Baekhyun go to visit Chanyeol at the hospital. Prompt: nightmares [hc_bingo] A/N: just felt like rearranging this drabble, initially written with members from Panic! At the Disco and The Academy Is... (and Stephen King
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Title: Sweet tangerine Pairings: fem!SeSoo, on-screen fem!SeKai,[Spoiler (click to open)]fem!BaeKai, one-sided(?) het!XiuYeol, past!fem!XiuKai Characters: girl!D.O, girl!Sehun, girl!Kai, girl!Xiumin, girl!Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kris, Lay,Chen Rating: NC17 WC: 4449 Summary: Kyungri ends working for a porn movies production as assistant of the director. Sejung and Jungah are
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title: On the fly pairing: Hunhan rating: R wc: 667 summary: Luhan can’t take his mouth off Sehun. prompt: oral fixation A/N: originally written for kink_bingo during my bandom phase.
title: Misguided ghost pairing: Xiuhan (GEN) other characters: Kris/Lay, Chen/Suho,Tao rating: PG-13 wc: 5585 WARNINGS: mention of suicide summary: Minseok moves in a new house but his 'roommate' doesn't quite want him. prompt: ghosts anf hauntings (hc_bingo) A/N: Another vain attempt at trying to get my muse back revamping my old fics *sob* I
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