relationships review: Topaz, Kylei, Heather, Allison, Cass, Serenity, Arizona, Evelyn, Sande, etc

Jul 02, 2016 23:56

icon: "disconnected (a gif of the lovers from the tv show "Moonlight" standing on opposite sides of a door and both looking devastated. One leans their forehead on the door and the other leans their face on their hand on the doorsill. Underneath the repeating gif is the word 'pain' in a handwriting-font.)"
Topaz )

serenity, allison, arizona, heather, pain, evelyn, topaz, relationships, turning points, gathers, kylei, sande, cass, those passing through

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webgirluk July 4 2016, 18:41:55 UTC
I love reading about your friendship reflections and it sounds like you have enjoyed many nourishing, connective moments lately although I'm sorry that things are hard with Kylei right now. Hopefully, as time passes, things will change again and they'll be able to give more to your friendship again. You sound like me in getting excited and interested in the different interactions between your friends. Glad things are really good with Topaz again and that there's the added fun of them dating Cass and Jess, too.

I hear you over planned contact being easier than instant random contact as and when sometimes. When I used to penpal with people, I found turn taking worked well and often made it easier to refer to as one person writes, the other replies and so on. Same with email, I guess but with instant messenger, things can be bitty or disorderly. I do still use messengers, though. I tend to go through phases of being into different contact methods, with different people, at different times.

The gathering sounded fun. So Serenity is your housemate? Did you know them before you moved in together or did you friend through becoming random housemates? I live with my bio sister, Helen and we're pretty close.


belenen July 9 2016, 04:47:45 UTC
Thank you for the well-wishes *hearts*

I used to say that I went through phases with methods too, but this 'phase' has been around for more than 6 years now so I am not sure it is a phase any more :-p

Serenity is my housemate, yes. We were casual friends before they moved in (had met once or twice, never had much conversation) and we've quickly grown to be good friends!


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