rant: I hate the idea of 'honeymoon phase' or NRE / start with reality rather than fantasy / IFE

Mar 03, 2016 23:28

icon: "voltaic (me, face at a sharp angle staring out of one eye with a slight smile and streaks of rainbow light on my face)"I LOATHE the idea of a 'honeymoon phase' or 'new relationship energy' (NRE). I hate it like I hate the idea of men being less emotional than women (which, in case you didn't know, is empirically untrue). It implies a lie. ( Read more... )

the essential belenen collection, intimacy, relationships, romance, rants

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lusimeles March 5 2016, 03:26:44 UTC
I really enjoyed reading your perspective on this issue. I personally don't mind the idea of NRE, but I think I understand it differently from you insofar as I don't think the end of NRE necessarily equals the end of the period in which you are excited about your lover, just the end of the period in which that excitement still feels frenzied. To me, the idea of NRE is kind of comforting - I think a lot of people grow up with the idea that unless you're fucking each other against walls 24/7, there is something "missing" from your relationship. NRE kind of normalizes for me the idea that it's okay, and even normal/commonplace, for sex drives (and romantic frenzies) to waver, as well as (quite importantly) the idea that when you're first falling in love, your best judgment might be a little compromised by your fear (of, say, loneliness) or anxiety or whatever ( ... )


lorigami March 5 2016, 16:16:46 UTC
"the IFE rises and ebbs with the reasons"
yes, this. I've been with my partner for almost 16 years, and it definitely ebbs and flows. Sometimes we each have too much going on in our own lives to put as much focus on the relationship as we'd like, but that's an understood thing. As long as it doesn't go too far, it's an accepted part of the cycle.
I think we can't sustain that amount of focus permanently because if we did, we'd wind up ignoring our own needs.

Also, I see the honeymoon phase a little differently. Not only are you getting to know someone new, with all that comes with that, but you're getting to know yourself through someone else's eyes, which can be equally exciting.


kiwi March 5 2016, 17:17:37 UTC
Also, I see the honeymoon phase a little differently. Not only are you getting to know someone new, with all that comes with that, but you're getting to know yourself through someone else's eyes, which can be equally exciting.

I really like this statement. I know I've had different partners bring out different sides of my personality and it was just as interesting learning about these new sides of me as it was learning about the new sides of them as things started out.


belenen March 5 2016, 21:34:06 UTC
we can't sustain that amount of focus permanently because if we did, we'd wind up ignoring our own needs

definitely! I don't think it is healthy to have IFE all the time because then you would not be investing enough in the rest of your life. And it's also not possible to have it all the time because it takes way too much work!

For me, getting to know myself through someone else's eyes is HUGELY exciting but happens just as much with people I know very well as it does with new people. For me, the only time it is lacking is when one or both of us get in a rut where we are not learning and growing (which could happen at any point in the relationship).


lusimeles March 5 2016, 22:56:36 UTC
Congrats on 16 years! I definitely think it is healthy to be able to take time away from your partner. My mental health would definitely suffer if I spent all my time focusing on my boyfriend, because he really can't be everything to me - it seems unreasonable to expect one person to solve your everything, you know?

Not only are you getting to know someone new, with all that comes with that, but you're getting to know yourself through someone else's eyes, which can be equally exciting.

Ooh, very true! Actually, that was always one of my favourite parts about seeing somebody new.


belenen March 5 2016, 21:29:49 UTC
I get what you mean and I think normalizing intensity fluctuation is important -- but I don't feel like NRE normalizes fluctuation because the way I see it referenced, it's as a phase that only happens once per relationship. That's what I hate, the idea that this is some kind of phenomenon beyond human creation. I would much rather people understand that they can create intimacy anytime with anyone and that it fluctuates based on their own actions and situations and not some magical time period ( ... )


lusimeles March 5 2016, 22:26:00 UTC
I agree with that! I think I may just view NRE more benignly, probably because I haven't heard as many people apply the phrase in that way? (Or, who knows, maybe I'm a little oblivious. I've been known to be.) The idea that the relationship inevitably becomes less exciting overall after the NRE has worn off is definitely wrong to me too ( ... )


belenen March 8 2016, 03:34:00 UTC
if I remember correctly you are monogamous, right? I think NRE is more of a constant topic in polyamorous circles, so I may be more critical of it because it's more often in my mindspace.

mm, I think I understand the difference you're talking about. There's having a new experience, and then there is discovering a new facet to life. They're both novel, but the second one has far more profound effect.


lusimeles March 9 2016, 07:15:14 UTC
That is true! I usually hear NRE being discussed as something you *shouldn't* end up mistaking for "the real thing" if you want to make a relationship last, even if you should try to enjoy it while it "lasts." However, I think most successful monogamous couples say the NRE gives way to something *like* IFE (not in those words, obviously) - so there is definitely awareness the ~fun~ can (and should!) last, even if wavers temporarily.


belenen March 5 2016, 21:30:34 UTC
oh, and nnta (no need to apologize) ever for a long comment! I love long thoughtful comments like this!!!


lusimeles March 5 2016, 22:09:30 UTC
awesome! i always look forward to them in my journal, too :)


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