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Mar 25, 2005 16:27

Here I sit all alone..and it's MAGNIFICENT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have had my wonderful mother over for the day and we just hung out, watching a movie, eating subway and tim tams and generally nattering. She ran around after liv for most of the time she was here which was great as I am really sore and cumbersome at the moment. It was nice to have quality couch time!! To top it off, she has taken liv home with her and Im going to head there in the next hour or so to have dinner there, bath livvy and then watch american idol.. perfect. Clint is at work until 10ish.. so at least Im not sitting home by myself with Liv and having short patience with her due to my soreness..which I shall now explain.

So yesterday, i was at work and decided to leave about 3ish to bypass the shops to get some easter goodies and some nappies etc so I wouldn't have to do it tomorrow (shops will be a MADHOUSE tomorrow)...anyhoots, all the way home, im in agony in my belly.. like Im having contractions I think (not that I fully know what they are like coz I was induced with Liv and went from nothing to BAM! within an hour or so) so yeah, im having this regular tightening and pain and it's crossing my mind to pull over on the freeway and make some calls to clint and mum about the fact that I could be in labour.. I decide to continue on, going to the shops and see how I go....anyways, I get to the shops, make a beeline for the loo's, do a massive wee and then once walking again, find the pain has gone. PHEW (im thinking while im there, get the car seat off layby, pick up some newborn nappies, haul ass home via day care, ringing mum and telling her to get to my place, calling clint, having shower and packing stuff into hospital bag etc etc).. but as I said, by the time I got moving, all seemed to settle. I get home, have dinner with Liv and then run us a bath. When I go to get undressed, I walk back into the bathroom and she (liv) has pulled flannel out of bath, soaking and proceeded to "wash the floor" oh joy.. water everywhere, so I get towel out of linen and chuck on floor, putting one foot on it to rub it over the floor when it goes out from under me, pulling me forward and a massive shooting pain erupts from my groin.. great, i've pulled my groinal muscles... Im in agony.. So I continue on with bath, in pain, get us dressed and onto couch to veg, all the while in agony until she goes to bed and I can just relax. The pain got worse over the evening however. Anyways, Clint gets home, i fall asleep on couch soon after, wake up about 1am, feeling like crap, very sore pelvis/groin and crawl to bed, groaning all the way. Middle of the night, get horrific calf cramp, am forced out of bed at shocking rate for someone with a very sore groinal region to soothe out calf which is seized and making my toes point downwards.. after much more groaning and finally getting leg back to "normal" (well, as normal as can be after THAT kinda painful cramp)and i notice i have a sore throat.. oh joy!!!!!!!!! could it get any better????

Anyways, that's the gist of it, rather long explaination I suppose but yes, today, feeling worse for wear.. but in good news, baby has dropped (must have been what all the fuss was about on my way home last night, baby dropping.. )and I feel alot less breathless and my shape has totally changed. I think I'll defo be having this baby sooner than due date. My lower back has been rather sore too. Oh and I've had wonderful reflux today.. which has burned all arvo.. and I have a massive boil on my underwear line of my inside leg which is just pain plus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Anyways, other than that, only four more days left at work..yay! mucho looking forward to just being at home really. I know clint is uber jelly that im home and he's not..he he..

I suppose I best be going to hang washing now, packing up some shit for liv and head over to mums via petrol station as my fuel light is blinking at me (wise move when one is 9 months preggers, to have no petrol in your car ha ha)..

also, it has been unusually warm here for this time of year.. im so sick of sweating!!!!!!!!
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