(no subject)

Mar 20, 2005 11:02

im struggling today.. clint has gone out to the ride track and Im home with Liv who is driving me nuts.. I just have no patience for her or her antics today, and it seems she wants to do everything that she's not allowed to do.. so Im forever yelling and I have no energy to do so. I have a basket of washing to hang out on the line which is haunting me so I am going to go and hang it as soon as I am done here. Im struggling to find breath tho with every chore I do even just standing and hanging washing takes it out of me.. the sweat is just pouring out of me.. I think I'll have a sleep after lunch with Liv.

Other than that, same ol same ol here really. I watched the dvd of the day after tomorrow yesterday. I loved it! I might watch it again today (im weird like that)...I even had a dream about blood snow last night.. actually, speaking of last night, i woke up at about 12.45 to go to the loo and to check if clint was home yet (boys nite) and he wasn't but I noticed something on the couch, it was liv, she had gotten out of bed, gone down to the lounge, dummies in hand and her bird that she sleeps with curled up next to her. I couldn't believe she had just gotten up and plonked herself on the couch in front of the tv and fallen to sleep. I didn't even hear her! Normally, I hear her every move.. scary huh!!!

I got my hair cut quite short, but it's been really humid here so every effort to do it nicely has been in vain as within minutes, Im glowing and my hair is fuzzy.. roll on winter! Actually, its going to be warm here all week.. 36 today, very unusal.. so i cranked the aircon first thing this morning.. still humid tho..

I only have this week at work (three days) and then 3.5 days next week (the .5 day is my farewell lunch) and then that's it for me for 10 whole months.. and let me tell you, im soo looking forward to it. Have decided to put Liv in one day of care (wednesdays) so she can keep her spot and give me a break..also, wednesday is the day after pay day so I can go shopping with just me and the baby rather than all of us which seems impossible to me right now!!! Im sure one day i'll work it out but for now, im happy to just take the one of them!

well, best i be off to hang this flippin washing... also, tabby, when you get a chance, can you let me know if possible, how exactly "different" you felt the morning you had sophie..thanks!
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