(no subject)

Apr 01, 2005 06:55

So I have been up since 3am with Liv.. for some reason, she was just awake and whingy and wouldn't go back to sleep. After a fight with her, then clint having a fight with her (so to speak) I decided to get my ass up and watch some telly.. of couse, after about 10 mins, she drops back off to sleep. Clint decides to get up coz he has to be at work in two hours. I go back to bed, only to realise it's raining again, and that i'll have to take clint into work again (his motorbike is in the shop getting fixed and the ute's windscreen wipers are STILL stuffed) so I get up, surf the net for a while, have a looong hot shower, shave legs, wash hair etc, put warm pj's back on etc to take him into the city. Now I sit here, updating journal while liv runs amok thru the house and think about what to do this morning before I go into work for my LAST DAY LUNCHEON!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, very exciting, my last day has finally arrived yippy fucken har!

so the plan for today, is very shortly, get liv dressed and take her to day care as she is driving me nuts, this will give me a chance to do stuff here before I head into town without having to run around after her! then I'll come home, get ready, hoon into town, finish off some last minute training with the person doing my job for the next 10 months, go for lunch, head back to work to pick up clint, cruise home via daycare if we have enough time and then off to OB appt..(oh yes, it's my 37 week appt and I have to take in swabs of my butt and fanny for strep b.. oh joy! at least I get to do them myself.. never had to do it with liv.. interesting)...

Clints mum has invited me out for lunch at sorrento with her and her mum for her mum's 80th birthday next week.. first things first, like i can be fucked going but I said ok coz liv will be in daycare on thursday,..anyhoo, she says all whiney like "oh but then mum wont get to see her" (like i give a fat rats!)I sooo can not be bothered at 38 weeks pregnant (if i still AM pregnant)chasing liv around fucken sorrento quay. Anyhoo, as it turns out, i'll probably have OB appt that day anyways - then i discover clint is off so he can come too which makes it easier for me should I decide to go - plus, I don't want to pay for lunch.. im a tightass at the moment.. i hate paying for meals I don't want to go to!.. I don't know about you guys with kiddies liv's age, it's hard work taking them out somewhere which is totally boring for them like a restaurant and expecting them to behave sitting in one spot for the whole of a lunch service!!! presently and probably for the next three or for years, i will be avoiding those kind of appointments at all costs!!! (unless I can go san's children of course!)

anyhoos, Im gonna be off to get liv's butt to daycare so I can start spending some quality alone time with myself getting ready to go into work...and cleaning up the umpteen toys strewn across the family room floor (rolls eyes)

a mother's job is never finished!!!!

oh ps, the hospital where im having the baby has stopped bringing breakfast to your room. You can now go down to a communal area where they serve a buffet style breakfast between 7 and 9am with all the trimmings!! yehaw, warm toast! i like this idea!!!!!
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