I totally forgot to pimp this here. This will have Sam/Bee/Mikaela in a future planned chapter, and you will then finally find out why Bee refers to Sam & Mikki as "Spike & Sparkplug" in my verse...
Title: You know you are addicted to Cyberporn...
Author: Femme4jack
Summary: Crackfic inspired by Hummergrey's AU 09 'verse "If and Autobot do NOT do the following" -- Prowl discovers fanfiction and trips his logic glitch.
Characters/Pairings: Ensemble
Ratings/Warning: strong PG-13 (bordering on R because of subject matter), cursing, insinuation, bots reading erotic fan fiction. Likely R or M later
Disclaimer: just playing with them.
Links are to my journal.
Chapter 1: In which Prowl trips his logic glitch and Prime develops a processor ache Chapter 2: In which Prime meets with his senior officers to deal with the crisis, only to discover a crisis of his own.