Title: Unglued
Chapter Title: Ch. 2 Untried
Author: Femme4jack
Summary: Bee's turn to angst. And what did Bee really think about Sam and Mik mashing on his hood.
Characters/Pairings: Bee/Sam/Mikaela, Jazz/Bee
Ratings/Warning: R, threesome, angst, fluff
Disclaimer: just playing with them.
Thanks again to
sakon76 for the inspiration to finally get off my aft and write. Thanks also to everyone who commented for all of the positive feedback and encouragement. This will likely be a series of semi-related one-shots as I don't have an overarching plot in mind. Also, I'm trying to play with how the Mechs sound truly different depending on whether they speak in Cybertronian or English. I'd appreciate constructive feedback on whether that comes across or works for you.
Fake cut to my journal -- Untried