School report - help please

May 19, 2010 14:16

Hello, I’m Waruji (Serpentine Wisdom on ffnet) I’m a university student currently writing a 25-40 page essay about fandom on the web for my sociology class and I would be really grateful if you would answer a few questions for me. I'm not sure if this post is allowed, if it isn't I apologise. Just tell me and I’ll remove it.

There are no right or wrong answers to these questions although longer answers are preferable. They don’t need to be essay length, just more than yes or no answers.  Most of your answers will be anonymous in the essay other than, perhaps, for direct quotes. I'm crossposting this to a fee other forums and some LJ communities, so don't be surprised if you see it somewhere else, too.

You can answer under your penname if you want to but replying anonymously is fine as well. If you post your answers in the comment section I may or may not come up with a follow-up question or ask for clarification. If you want it to be really anonymous you can send the answers to my e-mail:

ATTENTION!! I have enough . I'm really grateful you gays took the time to answer this. Now I just have to go through all the answers (I have about 44 pages of material) and then I might have a few questions, mostly just to clarify a few things. Once again thanks, you guys are great!

1) How would you describe fandom?

2) Why do you participate in fandom? How?

3) How many, approximately, fandoms are you apart of?

4) What are the most positive and the most negative parts about fandom?

5) Do you believe the anonymity offered by the Internet affects fandom? How?

6) How do you feel about admitting you read/write/draw fanworks like fanfiction/fanart/etc to people who know you in “real life”? Why do you feel that way? Are some people easier to talk to about it than others?

7) If you stop participating in fandom, what do you think will be the reason?

8) How do think size affects fandoms? For example in terms of quality or enjoyment? Are there any noticeable differences between bigger and smaller fandoms?

9) Do you notice a difference from when you were new (1) to fandom and now? In your writing style? What you like/dislike? How you approach new fandoms? How you interact with other fans/writers/reviewers?

10) Are there any differences between newbies and more experienced fanfic writers?

11) Are there any unwritten social rules (2) in fandom?

12) Is there any fandom that is valued more or less than others? For what reasons?

13) On a similar note, is a huge fanfiction site but there are many people that refer to it as “the Pit”. Does it deserve that reputation? Do you feel that there are some fan sites that have a higher status than others? For what reasons?

14) Shipping seems to be a central part of most fandoms; what are the most positive and negative parts about it? Why do/don’t you ship characters?

15) Have you noticed anything else that is interesting about fandom?


(1) by ‘new’ I mean completely new to all sort of fandom activity on the web.
(2) By ‘social rules’ I’m referring to the rules and values that moderate and guide people’s behaviour that might be -but aren’t necessarily- concrete rules on forums or communities.

fandom, discussion

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