Aug 31, 2012 23:56
The shaky duo of Samurai and Ksam are “ready” to take on the weekend duties.
I've reviewed the project plan I constructed [MS Project] twice and given them all the tools and guidance
I can but I'm ready to jump in, should things get tricky but will do so from home. It's expected that they'll need help.
The Keg Blows
International Beer Mafia keeps sinking, service-wise. We're a brutal account, you can't B.S. us and we drill
down deep into the who/what/when/where/why. A year ago, we turned over the whole Dallas site support and
as you'd guess, applicants didn't come running to fill the spots.
International Beer Mafia's "reject pile" got assigned to the account. These were people on the verge of being laid off -”x”
amount of time to find an internal position or adìos. I'd rather deal with someone who's good at their job that's
a bit cold/ornery than someone who's borderline incompetent but “nice”.
They can't keep up with the work: projects/break-fix/failure analyis/etc. Huge escalations, I sat in on a conference
call with one International Beer Mafia employee about two layers below C-level. Interesting, entertaining and...boring.
international beer mafia,