Feb 22, 2009 20:59
I’ve worked four Saturday night/Sunday morning tech windows in a row. Left the data center at 04:00am. I work with some crappy planners and a suck manager - I was more collateral damage in that what kept me late wasn’t my project. Nothing like eating breakfast at 05:00am when you haven’t gone to bed and there were no fun/sex/beer/metal/evil conjurations involved. Blah.
Captivity Beckons
Into the on-call slot of rotation slot I go, starting tomorrow. It’s month end so there’s no weekend work and I’m on vacation the first week of March, so I get a break for a bit.
I’ve got to plan it out the time off but it will be low-key stuff. There needs to be some additional planning for 2009 but really, it’s like the whole population is on hold.
Consolation has come through repeated viewings of the first two seasons of Metalocalypse. The Amazon episode is my favorite but who doesn’t love Dr.Rockso?