Want to play with J3 puppets?

Apr 04, 2020 20:16

So my old webspace storage is locking down and I'm hunting down old images all over my blogs and journals to relink them. Came across a fun DIY post from the 2014 Cinema Challenge, where I made worksheets for paperpuppets of Jared, Jensen and Jeff. With loads of people sitting at home for a while, I figured I'd share them again, for everyone looking for a bit of fandom fun:)

On the top Team Texas, who I take on an adventure in the original artpost.
On the bottom the J3 puppets:) You can download pdf-worksheets from my GoogleDrive:
Paperpuppet Jensen | Paperpuppet Jared | Paperpuppet Jeff

As mentioned on the worksheet, you'll need:
- scissors and an exacto knife;
- brass fasteners (8 per puppet);
- string: 2 short pieces (about 10 cm each) and a long piece for pulling;
- a (calender) hanger (stickertype)

Print the worksheets on thick paper (I used 375 grams Granite white) - or glue your print on a bit of cardboard.
Size=A4 (21x29,7cm) - Finished puppetsizes: Jensen=38cm; Jared=40cm. For the record: Jeff=39cm;).


Full artpost with the adventures of Team Texas and a Behind the Scenes [DW]


I'm lucky enough to be able to work from home as everyone in my country is ordered to self isolate. While having to keep in touch with co-workers and especially the new group that I'm training, I'm doing more socializing digitally than I'm used to doing in person at the office, pfff. But I'm glad I'm busy and now that I've settled into the routine a bit, I hope to have enough energy left to catch up with some picspams of my travels. (I haven't forgotten that I never finished the Japan series, but first I'll share a bit of my recent trip to London:)

Be safe, everyone.


Crossposted from https://beelikej.dreamwidth.org/554735.html [
comments] Lurk or comment wherever you like:)

cinema-challenge, i made this, diy

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